Not really important, but would like to see him shit a brick. Once it goes in the notables it will shortly after be on twitter. Fuck him.
Not really important, but would like to see him shit a brick. Once it goes in the notables it will shortly after be on twitter. Fuck him.
>their deal was worldly riches and power in exchange for their souls
>once they die they will join their master but it's gonna suck
This is the thing I don't understand about Satanists. Why would you make a deal with an entity that promises eternal pain and suffering, and also ownership of your soul?
I've done short sighted things like drinking too much knowing damn well I would have to pay the price the next day. But I would never drink too much if I had to be hung over for eternity afterwards. For me eternity is a daunting word. I prefer a promise of eternal paradise over eternal damnation. Maybe I'm just a stupid sheep like that. But the idea of having a Shepard who will always search out my dumb ass every time i go wayward is infinitely more appealing than hot fire and a pitch fork up the rear. How can they not see this?