Anonymous ID: 81251c March 14, 2020, 4:06 p.m. No.8417829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7881

>>8417172 (PB)

This was one of (((their))) moves, likely whoever became president. If HRC, then perfect excuse to let the system crash, drive people to panic, institute Martial Law, ramp up their kill America plan. Now with POTUS DJT, it is (in their minds) a perfect way to harm both America and his presidency in advance of November. They had to do it. No choice after their failed blockades and attempt to remove him. Expecting Martial Law, but not their guy or girl at the helm, they are hoping their brainwashed masses will revolt and begin uncontrollable mayhem, with the end result being the same as if HRC was pres. A gamble they had no choice but take. They have no other play. Perhaps unknown very dirty tricks left.


No matter what, Q+ and we the awakened will NOT allow them to regain power under any circumstances. I'm ready for whatever that challenge is. Gladly give up my life fighting to end this crap.


All the above is just my theory.