Anonymous ID: c9d0ca March 14, 2020, 4:49 p.m. No.8418352   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"My friend is sick, has had contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. He's at Urgent Care Hawaii to get tested & was rejected, saying he doesn't meet the criteria. In the hour he's been there, three other sick people were turned away," Gabbard tweeted on Friday afternoon.


In her post, she tagged the social media accounts for the Hawaii government, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). She also ended the tweet by seemingly asking Hawaii Governor David Ige for an explanation, writing: "Gov. Ige??"




Critics like Rep. Tulsi Gabbard claimed on social media that the clinic was turning away people who should have been tested. On Friday, she tweeted that one of her friends ― who said he was sick and had recently been in contact with a coronavirus patient ― was turned away.


“In the hour he was there, three other sick people were turned away,” Gabbard tweeted.


But Schmidt said the man was not qualified for a test, didn’t have the required symptoms, and became agitated as he was rebuffed.


“He escalated and apparently he threatened our employees," Schmidt said. “We did call security, and the police came and helped too.” …

The clinic now says people need to get a referral from Department of Health or their doctor for tests….