Anonymous ID: d992af March 14, 2020, 3:57 p.m. No.8417732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7734



>>8416960 The US border guard apprehended 1,657 Chinese nationals since October while the coronavirus was spreading across China.

>>8416986 Looking at the military aspects of biological warfare, the Saker

>>8416989 James Woods wastes Andrew Gillum

>>8417044 Inside massive DEA raid targeting drug cartel

>>8417069, >>8417076 Fuckery afoot ADL

>>8417100, >>8417156 Jim Watkin's new voice feature

>>8417144 Jim Jordan officially starts serving as ranking member of House Judiciary Committee

>>8417204, >>8417253 ‘Euroleaks’: Former Greek finance minister LEAKS recordings of secretive Eurogroup talks in fight for ‘democratization of the EU’

>>8417141 Found the extra "t"

>>8417217 Israel to Use Anti-Terror Tech in Fight Against Coronavirus - Netanyahu

>>8417244 ‘Nationalize factories & industries!’ De Blasio kicks panic up to 11 calling coronavirus ‘war-like situation’

>>8417382 SILENT WAR CONTINUES CCP propaganda


Left behind by the clown baker

Anonymous ID: d992af March 14, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.8417749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8231 >>8299 >>8429

Covid-19 Impacting US Defense Readiness As Pentagon Announces "Minimal Staffing"


The Pentagon on Saturday afternoon said it has moved toward "minimal staffing" over coronavirus fears a day after President Trump formally declared a national emergency. CBS national security correspondent Cami McCormick broke the news, describing:


Defense Dept. officials have raised alert level at the Pentagon to Bravo. There will now be "minimal staffing" at the Pentagon due to coronavirus.


Crucially this alert level refers to staffing levels and virus precautionary measures only and is not a reference to DEFCON, which is the national defense readiness condition used to gauge military threats.


However, as we reported earlier there's growing concern that the Covid-19 pandemic could significantly impact US defense readiness.


Indeed it appears this is already occurring. Pentagon correspondent for Al Monitor Jack Detsch reports there's growing confirmed cases among the military and DoD ranks:


CBS' McCormick additionally reported based on Pentagon officials that "in the next couple of days, the Pentagon may limit the exposure to take out food…tables, buffet lines, etc. inside the Pentagon" over virus outbreak fears.


Approximately 23,000 military and civilian DoD employees work at the Pentagon daily, which includes offices of the top generals among combined branches and the Secretary of Defense. The building famously has five ring corridors per floor which make for a total of 17.5 miles of hallways with endless offices lining each side.

Anonymous ID: d992af March 14, 2020, 4:01 p.m. No.8417762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7805 >>7813 >>7982

Sports Ban is Blessing in Disguise


Let's not play ball.


No hockey? No baseball? No basketball?


The horror, the horror!


The Coronavirus hoax has accomplished a near miracle: it's shut down professional sports. Can you imagine?


"They may have taken the first step to awakening the sleeping giant - the one great mass of people they've always been able to keep in a state of clueless distraction - the American sports fan."


All those hours wasted in front of the boob tube, all that time and energy expended cheering overpaid athletes, grown men playing with a ball or puck, all those bimbo Super Bowl halftime shows … it's all gone.


I appreciate a good football game, a good pitcher's duel, as much as the next guy, but the huge, bread-and-circus atmosphere of professional sports has ballooned into something preposterous. And not just the games themselves, but the industries built around them: sports talk radio, sports shows on television, jerseys, caps, shoes!


Can America survive without sports?


The answer is YES, and the great sports shutdown just might have the unintended effect of educating the masses. It certainly can't hurt. It's going to free up untold hours of previously wasted time.


Maybe millions of sports fans will do something positive now. Maybe they'll spend more time with their children, read books, take the time to educate themselves on what's really happening in the world. I doubt it, but it's possible.


For those in the truth movement, this is an unprecedented opportunity. A chance to reach millions of new readers and viewers. Without sports to distract them, people are going to have to go elsewhere to be entertained. And what happens when a couple of days or weeks go by and the great unwashed realize their lives have been just great without sports, so why go back? Why, indeed?


If enough time passes, millions of people will never go back to professional sports.


Sure, the brain-dead zombies will, those with nothing better to do with their lives. But many will not. They'll find that they like the extra time they have to spend with their spouses and their kids.


They'll discover how much they enjoy having the time to read a book, to go for a walk, to discover new interests and hobbies in life.


They might - just might - decide to become more political, and if that happens, watch out.


Because if tens of millions of voters around the country suddenly wake up and discover who's really been pulling their strings all these years, who's really been pushing us into countless wars, who's really been rigging our elections and bribing and manipulating our politicians and leaders, you're going to see a seismic shift in the political makeup of this country. And though the result will be pretty, the process won't.


Kids might learn something too. They're groomed from an early age to worship sports heroes and to spend countless hours emulating them.


What are they going to do with all that newfound free time? Their reading time will increase. Time spent with their parents will increase. Family bonds will strengthen. It's a win-win situation all the way around.


The powers-that-be had better be careful. They may have gone too far this time. They may have taken the first step to awakening the sleeping giant - the one great mass of people they've always been able to keep in a state of clueless distraction - the American sports fan.