Anonymous ID: a57ae2 March 14, 2020, 5:43 p.m. No.8418962   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In April when kids finally return to school after the Great TP Panic of 2020


(oops thats Coronavirus Pandemic National Emergency)


student 1: Glad to be back in school.

student 2: Me too, especially looking forward to the school lunches.

student 1: Tell me about it. My stupid mom paniced when all this shit went down.

student 3: Haha, mine too, she bought a car load of toilet paper and bleach but forgot to get food.

student 2: My mom was crying and shouting at cnn on tv.

student 1: Shouting at cnn, what she say?

student 2: She kept shouting Impeach Trump the stores have no toilet paper!

student 1: I could barely get in my room, my mom bought so so much toilet paper.

student 3: At least you had food for two weeks, my Dad got creative and made TP soup.

student 2: No we ran out last week and I'm tired of TP sandwiches.

student 1: very confused What's a Dad?

student 2&3: Common let's get to the school cafeteria. I'm MAGA starving! We'll try to explain Dad to you.

Anonymous ID: a57ae2 March 14, 2020, 6:11 p.m. No.8419230   🗄️.is 🔗kun



statiscis for Italy and China show percentage of smokers ranges from 25%-30% and in prior decades over 40%.


many older persons have compromised respiratory systems whether smokers, prior smokers, age, etc,


the corona virus and influenza are respriatory infections


sounds logical that many of the deaths would be older persons who may have had impaired respiratory systems.