Anonymous ID: e24861 March 14, 2020, 5:35 p.m. No.8418879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8902 >>8919 >>8976

We’re resting well on our laurels Anons, things seem to be going swimmingly. On This anons Boomer book, some people are intrigued by my posts. I’ve in the last year, at the cost of looking a bit mad, dropped a lot of content to my friends on social media. It sucks because to them it looks stupid because there is a massive amount of context they would have to understand to know what I am talking about, of course there are some of my friends who are well aware.


But it doesn’t matter if they believe or not and it doesn’t matter if I look like a tin foil hat wearing idiot(even though the proof is in the pudding). There belief is irrelevant, my job is complete. The goal has been accomplished. They see the posts, they have made contact and consumed material and now subconsciously they are aware and now when this happens they have a point of reference for resources, a foundation to start understanding and me as a liaison to at least try and shoot them to different sources of information so they can ger up to speed and not be so frightened.


Anons. Im a 28 year old patriot and oyster fisherman that works 60 plus hours a week. It pains me I haven’t been more involved and have for the most part over the last two years lurked. I have gotten into discourse but it sucks. I have such little time to enjoy myself and try and dig. It’s been a long journey. I woke up when I was 10 when I saw the trade centers fall on TV, i knew something was definitely off and didn’t make sense. Even a ten year old knew that a plane couldn’t take buildings like that down.


I slowly started gathering info over the years, had a bad addiction but I still tried to find out everything I could and honestly, I think thats one of the reasons why I started getting more on drugs. I saw bow fake and tormented people are up where I live and how not normal i is and I felt hopeless that one day I would just end up a miserable denizen of the New World Order.


Trump and Q helped me get a new lease on life. Gave me hope. I was a lost soul. Life’s been hard on all of us i’m sure. I love Anons, I love this country, I love my president, i love god and I know this isn’t what he wanted for us and that it probably hurt him more than it did us and I’m so thankful to all of you. Really.


You will all be written about in history books. This will be studied for the next thousand years. A whole new understanding of how a hostile foreign power can infiltrate and inhabit a countries government and private sector while playing the role of citizen of that nation. It’s beyond normal espionage.


This is so fucking important. All of this. Sorry anons im probably being super obvious, irrelevant and wasting bread. Feeling a bit emotional. Fuck yeah guys, it’s happening.