Anonymous ID: 74542f March 30, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.841879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1915 >>1921 >>1943 >>1951 >>1972 >>1982 >>2032 >>2180 >>2331 >>2453 >>2471


17 = Q


17 kids died at FL shooting…


Trump gets Jersey with number 17.


Video of speech in Pittsburgh speech shows girl holding sign with 5 fingers over sign when Trump says I…Q…..


Jerusalem becomes the capitol of Israel end of 2017.


Donald Trump won the presidential election on the exact same day as the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s 7th year, 7th month and 7th day in office.


Donald Trump was exactly 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old on the day he won the above said US presidential election.


This happened in the Hebrew year of 5777


Donald Trump was born precisely 700 days before Israel declared independence (May 14th, 1948).


777 days after Trump’s birth, Israel would have been prescisely 77 days old.


Israel’s 70th anniversary will come exactly 700 days after Donald Trump’s 70th birthday.


17 deaths at florida school shooting.


17 charges against Nick Cruz(why not more?)


Viacom shuts down programming for 17 mintues from 10am to 10.17am.


Trump's NYC childhood home rented for $777 a night on


Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17/MAS17) flight 777


Trump replies to 7-year-old who wrote to White House after her friend was shot in school shooting news article.


Trump's executive order on 7-nation ban


Stormy Daniels real name is Stephanie Clifford = 17 letters in name


Its all about deception and controlling the narrative. Have you filers ever thought of the possibility that the reason all this connects is that Trump may have been involved or intervened in the staging of the Florida shooting.


That he used deception to create a false flag at Stoneman Douglas high school. That Trump staged this false flag back on feb 14th knowing CNN and MSM would do what they do best and use it to take away your constitutional gun rights.


Trump staged or at least intervened in the FL shooting to make CNN look bad. CNN in a sense fucked themselves over thinking the Deep state was in full control of the FL False Flag. They had no idea Trump staged it or at least was in on it behind the backs of the Deep State.


Trump knew Gorge Soros and the deep state would do what they always do and use the shooting as another attempt to gun grab. We all know Soros funds Antifa and we all knew Soros and the deep-state would use it to cause chaos in the good ol U.S.A.


School walkout started yesterday March 14th, and trump knew it would eventually lead to Soros and deep-state using their brainwashed Antifa and Black lives matter members to start shit with good Americas.


So let's go forward in time and focus from FEB 14th to the NK Q-post. With NK out of the picture, the deep state lost its biggest weapon. NK is just one of the major disinformation hubs used to spread propaganda throughout the world. NK, CNN, HRC, Deep-state all work together.


Why would CNN broadcast Trump, the girl with the sign, the guy holding the Trump Tower photo with a shit-eating grin?


With NK out of the picture and the CIA strings cut, Trump, Q, MI can now focus on controlling the MSM and propaganda. Right Before NK was neutralized…Elon Musk and Jeff Sessions did what?……Do you think its a coincidence those Elon Musk satellites may have a connection with Jeff Sessions starting an Internet police force?


Art of deception tells me Trump, Q, Elon Musk, Sessions, all working together to cut strings and take over MSM broadcasting resources. Got to stop those Russian bots from meddling in our election right fellas.


Was the cybersecurity task force really created to stopping Russian bots? Or Is it more plausible they rocketed those Elon musk satellites in space to help Trump, Q, MI, Wizards and Warlocks help to take over disinformation hubs in NK and throughout the world and to hack into and CNN/MSM/ Deep-state controlled broadcasts?


Don't believe me check the timing of what I wrote about



FL shooting>>>>Russain bots>>>>>Elon Musk rockets>>>>>Jeff Sessions Cyber Secuirty Team>>>>>NK nutralized>>>>>CIA Strings Cut>>>>>>Twitter Ban>>>>>>YouTube Bans>>>>>>17 on Jersey>>>>>Viacom suspendes programming for 17 mintues for 17 victums that died in FL school>>>>>CBTS Reddit page banned


ROFL….This biggest fucking Red pill ever to be ever served and its about to hit America and I just gave you all front row tickets.