Anonymous ID: 2812fb March 14, 2020, 6:44 p.m. No.8419582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9603 >>9611 >>9644 >>9660 >>9696 >>9797

so i just lost it on someone tonight ….they jumped on me for my race and my support of trump, and i have had enough….an uppity fucking native so i started calling him all sorta shit..because if thats the starting point there is no where it can go….he would not listen so why not mock, i should just walk away, but fuck these people they are so ignorant…he said only white people support trump and blacks dont or hispanics and ignored the numbers even…fucking hell pearls before swine…i want these people to burn in pain, forgive me lord Jesus because the anger is large and the pain immense…and the people who do not see break my heart and makes me burn in anger…not pity or forgiveness, i failed anons, fucking hell, we say this is not about race , but it is, and how do we not fight back….fucking hell….i am on here too long and talk like i am faggot this nigger that, damn it. They just will not listen and sadly they may not have the intellect or genetics, hell these natives dont even believe in America, so why the fuck are we giving them money to be shitty drunks and meth heads.

Anonymous ID: 2812fb March 14, 2020, 6:48 p.m. No.8419638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9727


saved thank you, feel bad i know what comes out of a heart of a man, but damn i dont care what race one is really, but love this country love the ideals. Don't start conversations and assumptions based on color, just as bad if i did that, granted i did make pow wow noises when ever he rambled. Hey im anon maturity is difficult in the face of stupidity sometimes.