Anonymous ID: 727000 March 14, 2020, 6:57 p.m. No.8419738   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9770 >>9858 >>9932 >>9947


What is the CoronaVirus?

What is it REALLY?

Obviously, we are in the [STORM].

What is the preferred drug of the [DS]?


What has been in short supply recently?

What do all of (((them))) crave insatiably?

Who was the main hub of human trafficking?


Do Chinese people eat dogs, rats, snakes, insects, spiders… basically anything?

Do the Chinese people, eat people?


One child rule in China.

Tons of 'thrown away' babies.

What's the market price for a newborn?

Now, how could sooo many [EVIL] individuals be executed, arrested, etc globally, at the same time?

What did (((they))) crave?


So, did we give it to them?

Was it 'contaminated'?

With what?


I think we starved them out on adrenochrome. Then, we released weaponized adrenochrome. Anyone in the world who consumed it, is now going to die [currently dying]. Any of the [BAD GUYS] that make it through The Pandemic, will be rounded up and put through the system. This Pandemic seems like a quick and easy way to kill off the majority of the cannibals.

Anonymous ID: 727000 March 14, 2020, 7:06 p.m. No.8419832   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9859


There is a world wide viral pandemic, media is going crazy, borders are shut down, quarantines, no crowded gatherings, NBA [Sports] shutdown, world leaders are sick/dying, etc. etc.

What else are you waiting for as a sign that it is habbening?

One of the more recent Q drops said anons have come far and are ready for the storm.

Shortly after, all hell broke loose on a global scale.

Anonymous ID: 727000 March 14, 2020, 7:25 p.m. No.8419994   🗄️.is đź”—kun


She obviously wasn't prepared for the [STORM].

There's nothing to worry about.

The Great Awakening didn't get this far in the Plan to fall apart before the Closing Act…

By the end of it all, [mostly] everyone will KNOW the TRUTH.