Anonymous ID: 92f4c3 March 14, 2020, 6:39 p.m. No.8419530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9562 >>9609 >>9822 >>9873 >>9921

Night shift reminder to pray for and extend good thoughts out to all our incredible patriot white hats, working in classified and highly secured situations of all kinds. Some likely do not even know the end goal of their task due to compartmentalization.


Patriots, we probably can't even imagine how stressful your work and lives have been since this battle began. It may be work that is grindingly tedious, repetitive, or require more intellectual effort that you ever dreamed you would ever have to give in your lives.


Please simply know that your fellow Americans are thinking of you, praying for you, that you gain energy and will from the encouragement and care that non-active patriots all share for you. May God help you stay mentally, physically, and emotionally at your best. Practice the best self-care you can under your circumstances. You are loved and appreciated.


Bless these special anons, Lord, that they may have perfect protection and success in all that they do as they hold our nation's future in their hands. Help each of us, as we go through this unprecedented time in history together, maintain calm and presence of mind, that we may encourage each other and preserve the best civilization we can. Asking these things in Jesus' precious name, amen.