Anonymous ID: aacbbe March 14, 2020, 7:07 p.m. No.8419835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9910

Just realized something. This past December my family, including me and MANY at work became horribly sick with the flu - which "driven by an unexpected virus" according to the CDC, here:


Now the first "public" case of COVID-19 was in December but then widely reported in January.


Was the coronavirus already released in or prior to December? If so, was there some major fuck up in Wuhan Labs which caused the complete authoritarian reaction by the Chinese government to clean their tracks?


Was the virus strain unknowingly altered? When the swamp realized what happened they tried to bury the evidence and prevent the truth from coming out?


Seems to explain why the Chinese government went completely ruthless on their citizens in Wuhan.