Anonymous ID: bfaa1b March 14, 2020, 6:49 p.m. No.8419650   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8417987 (pb)

Re: Packets of COVID-19 Found at LAX


I knew it! When that first case of muh "community spread" news broke, I just knew there were DS operators spreading this death by hand. The first real team of bio-terrorists seeking to overthrow our Government are loose in the U.S. and hopefully about to be stopped by Patriot operators. I'm sure that they've been doing the same around the World and that their time on Earth running free is short as well! Prayer Day tomorrow, anons. In the meantime:



Anonymous ID: bfaa1b March 14, 2020, 7 p.m. No.8419772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9808 >>9868 >>9895


Thank you anon. I was the one who asked if there was a MDanon who could translate that excerpt from another post.


Question, though. There's still a lose end with all the "pineal" references. Just about everywhere including the Wikileaks drop on Stratfor. Isn't the molecule DMT also released by the pineal during times of max fear, pain, etc.? DMT or "the spirit molecule" has been known to produce psi phenomenon, as well as possible inter-dimensional experiences and encounters with other sentient beings. I can't help but feel that there's another piece to [their] sick puzzle.

Anonymous ID: bfaa1b March 14, 2020, 7:20 p.m. No.8419958   🗄️.is 🔗kun


True anon. There's one painting that one of these sick fuks like Skippy or Jimmy Pizza had. It was a figure of a standing adult (pedo) looking down at a child figure lying prone and a circle of others around them watching. Above the prone child there were similar figures rising above the one on the floor. Each successive figure was drawn more lightly like it was becoming more and more transparent as it was rising. It reminded me of text I had read about dissociation, when the psyche is so on the verge of breaking (from fear, pain) that one "dissociates" and is able to view themselves from the action below. This, in turn, reminds me of the Near Death Experience where countless survivors give accounts of looking down at their dying body. One person even "saw" a file atop a dusty hospital ER room which was impossible to see from the floor level. The subject pointed it out to a nurse later and the curious nurse got a chair and sure enough! A dusty old misplaced file! This, in turn, brings up the subject of "remote viewing" which is real indeed. What I'm getting at is that perhaps the missing piece of the puzzle involves the adrenochrome user gaining some type of psi ability by consuming.