Anonymous ID: d07d9c March 14, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.8419212   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>9225 >>9259 >>9409

Truth: The mass media is complicit in orchestrating mass panic. They know they are misreporting CFRs.


Fact: The current lethality rate in America, of anyone under 60 is 0%

China virus is as effective and reliable as China's manufacturing πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£



Fact: The accuracy of Case Fatality Rate is directly proportional to the amount of [positive] tests per population amount.


Fact: South Korea is leading the world in tests per population amount. (~4000 per million as of March 11th)


Fact: A country like America (~5 per million as of March 11th) will have a less accurate CFR to report.


Hilarious fact: Those who slammed Trump for lack of testing just undermined the fear they can produce/manipulate, because with more testing we see a lower lethality rate.


Lie: CFR can convey an accurate survival rate if total cases are divided by total deaths.


Fact: CFR per age range conveys the survival rate with more accuracy [per age range].


Fact: The CFR per age range of the country with the most tests per population amount will provide us with the most accurate lethality report.


Fact: Not all who get infected will be tested / reported.




Fact: The CFR of all those under 50 is ~0.1%


Fact: That's the same CFR for all those under 50, as the common flu.

>CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through March 7, 2020, there have been:

Up to 51,000,000 infected

Up to 55,000 Deaths

100(55,000/51,000000) = 0.1% CFR [even across all ages]



Fact: The CFR increases substantially beyond the age of 60.


Manipulated Lie: "The CFR of Coronovirus is ~3.4% [For everyone who gets infected]" - World Health Organization


Truth: The CFR is "way under 1% [For the vast majority who get infected]" -Trump


Fact: "We’re more the victim of fear than the virus"


Fact: Stress weakens the immune system.


Fact: The Lamestream Media are hyping their viewers into a high stress fear.


Fact: The Lamestream Media are greatly exaggerating the threat of this virus.


Fact: The Stock Market didn't kill itself.


Share the facts.

Wash your hands.

Take action with a clear mind.

Anonymous ID: d07d9c March 14, 2020, 6:20 p.m. No.8419306   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


It means the clowns here are so afraid of losing their cultural hold that they forbid anyone from injecting freshness into our system.

If you lurk more, you adapt yourself to the clowns culture of censorship.


It's exactly what they want.

Take orders from your Intuition/Instincts/Soul, not the clowns~

Anonymous ID: d07d9c March 14, 2020, 6:49 p.m. No.8419655   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Be aware that our enemy made a drastic shift lately.


They have recognized that long term survival is slim.

They're propping up 'stars', sites and solutions, to buy your trust; To own your loyalty.

They'll use the mp3 feature to convince you of their trust. Subliminal audio galore. A voice is harder to hate, and stupidly easy to manipulate.

Trust. Your. Gut.

Feel free to pop the mp3 into an audio editor and see what lies beneath their main voice. 🀣


They're the ones organizing solutions to the problems they shout loudest about.

They'll say anything to skim as many people off this site as they can.

To poison as many minds with their centralized database of subliminal censorship.

Sites and stars that they own, that they see the logs to.


A honeypot by any other name~


Under a hundred masks, their emotional markers and intentions remain fixated:

Smear shit

Disconnect the mind from the body/instincts; Contrast conscious lies with known Truth.

Infuriate past reason

Blind with irrelevance


The game is to force their beliefs into you, as if you came up with them yourself. As if it's your own unconscious desire to eat their excrement.


Their manipulation assumes you see yourself worthless. They flood us with suggestions to reinforce their original wave of Demoralization.


Trillions have been spent against us.

Read that again.

Take a step back, breath, remember.

We are not what they say, we are what they craft their attacks against~

We are the saviors of Mankind.

God wins.