Anonymous ID: 53090c March 14, 2020, 8:20 p.m. No.8420491   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>ain sorta went WTF! Dude #2 is totally “NINJA” man! My brain couldn’t quite parse what my damn eyes were seeing. Haha…the first dumbshit thought that went through my brain was, “WTF is Antifa doin’ in my backyard”? This guy was covered from head to toe, in solid black. Hell, I can’t even say it was a dude!Black clothing, heavy Kevlar vest, face totally covered but for eyes, head fully concealed, sporting goggles over eyes. And shit me…the dude had a waistline of wall to wall clips, pistols, and stuffed pockets of what, who knows. I mean “all” the way around his waistline he was pakin’ shit! The gear looked damn heavy. This guy spoke not a word. Who the hell or rather what the hell is this guy anyway?Dude police #1 told me they had chased an armed suspect through the neighborhood, down my driveway, and into my back yard