Anonymous ID: 64d94f March 14, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.8420120   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0130 >>0220 >>0663

Anons, serious Question….

I was off work yesterday (work in an office, doing slave labor)…

I was advised by a coworker that a guy came in (not sure if maintenance man, UPS, or one of our clients or one of those we service),

but apparently he stated he has been exposed to COVID-19, but not tested yet.

He had Dr's papers with him (why he mentioned this, idk).

But when coworkers heard this, they asked him to leave, and promptly cleaned office with bleach, lysol, ect.

They contacted our main office (which is in another state) asking HR what we should do. No response.

I, of course, am NOT concerned in the least, but I wonder…

what do you think we re supposed to do? What is the protocol? Should we not come in to work on Monday? Of course we have heard nothing from HR.

Just wondering what my fellow anons think….

Anonymous ID: 64d94f March 14, 2020, 8:34 p.m. No.8420605   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0656

idk anons.

So much "weirdness" tonight.

Maybe just a vibe, feeling….the moon?

Who the fuck knows….


What I DO know is, I would not miss any of what I have prepared for, most of my life.


Love you anons…..(no homo)