Anonymous ID: 8a357a March 14, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.8420123   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0680

can't call it sauce, but on the Al Gore suitcase blood story:


Springmeier and Bill Schnoebelen, Al Gore was caught transporting vials of blood in a suitcase. From what I can understand this was a major news story back in the 90's and was quickly swept under the rug by the MSM when they claimed that there was nothing to it and that Gore was simply a 'hemophiliac'. Interesting, very interesting. At 8:35 you can see the segment in Springmeiers "13 bloodlines of the Illuminati" presentation where this incidenct is mentioned. Prior to this segment Springmeier gives a pretty good run down of adrenochrome and it's potent qualities which Satanists seem to deem valuable and how it is extracted during blood rituals:


The Bill Schnoebelen 'vampires' video with a reference to the Gore story:…3660947890622#


I tried to source and cross reference anything I could find on this Gore story, but I couldn't find anything noteworthy aside from a few tidbits on the prisonplanet website and a few random mentions of the story here and there, but I could not find an actual article using Googles search engine


I don't recall Icke ever mentioning this alleged Gore incident in any of his books, but if this is a true story it's quite blatant and matches perfectly with the testimonies given by many whistleblowers who have said throughout the ages that these hybrid blood suckers are addicted to blood drinking, especially during they're secret ceremonies.

Anonymous ID: 8a357a March 14, 2020, 7:47 p.m. No.8420177   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0198 >>0215



you cant rebuke them, anon. Only Christ can.


Even the archangel Michael did not rebuke Satan in dispute, but rather said, "The Lord rebuke you" (Jude 1:9). We can ask Christ to do the rebuking, we are not told to do it. We are told:


Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Anonymous ID: 8a357a March 14, 2020, 8:13 p.m. No.8420419   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Throwin' this out there…corona; day of prayer, those who are seeking


Don't get caught up in this garbage. Who do you think funds them? If they truly had powers, why are babies dying of cancer? Why arent they emptying out hospitals? They will tell you it's your fault because you didn't have enough faith, but they are the ones supposed to have power, yes? Are people sometimes healed by the laying on of hands? Yes, they are, but sometimes they aren't. Sometimes they die. Why? Because it is God's Sovereign Will when a person lives and dies and no human can change that. These are charlatans, and there are many. Soros funds some of them. They are con men; they confuse and Scripture says confusion does not come from God, it comes from satan. Their ultimate goal is money. Don't be fooled.