Anonymous ID: a17616 March 14, 2020, 8:11 p.m. No.8420397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0445

This is a spiritual war, where the attacks and casulaties are largely hidden from view of the world. It is waged by pitting the darkness within us against the light, and vice versa. The Cabal continually attempts to remove hope, create despair, foster pain, and thereby increase their dark quantum control over the narrative. Meanwhile, Trump and patriots are fighting back by restoring hope, by celebrating victories of compassion and love, thereby increasing the quantum light energy over the earth. We choose to have faith and to love. We can choose the light and the dark will fail every time. The darkness is so terrified because they have lost control of "the narrative" – that is they have lost control of the dark story of hopelessness that kept us spiritually and thus physically enslaved. That is why the Cabal MSM media is pumping the apocalyptic vision of Coronavirus so hard, desperate to manufacture terror in the people. It's not going the way it used to go for them though. That's why POTUS talks about healing through love and prayer. He knows the virus would vanish in an instant, the moment we realize what's really going on. Just listen to Trump's choice of words. Very important. Spiritual. Love. United. Hopeful. Because of Trump and the team of patriots fighting with him, the people are waking up. When we realize the quantum power within us, manifested through prayer, we really are unstoppable.