Anonymous ID: f781e1 March 14, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.8420149   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Watch: Russian Tu-142 intercepts US submarines


Two Russian strategic bombers flew over American submarines and a US military camp called Seadragon in the Arctic, according to reports.


In a video, shared by Airboyd, two Tu-142 maritime reconnaissance planes are seen escorted by North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) aircraft.


According to the description, the incident occurred in international airspace over the Beaufort Sea on 9 March, and the Russian planes stayed at least 50 nautical miles away from the Alaskan coast and did not enter American or Canadian sovereign airspace.

Anonymous ID: f781e1 March 14, 2020, 7:47 p.m. No.8420178   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>0210 >>0324 >>0342 >>0499 >>0575 >>0715 >>0723

Devin Nunes: ā€˜Media And The Leftā€™ Are ā€˜Putting The Country Into A Panicā€™ For ā€˜No Reasonā€™


Republican California Rep. Devin Nunes accused the ā€œmedia and the leftā€ of ā€œputting the country into a panicā€ over the coronavirus pandemic.


Appearing on Saturday nightā€™s ā€œWatters World,ā€ Nunes drew from his own experience coming down with H1N1 to urge Americans to ā€œremain calm.ā€


ā€œA lot of people are panicking,ā€ Nunes told Fox News host Jesse Watters. ā€œOne guy sneezed. Someone has a runny nose.ā€ The California congressman noted that most of this will be because of the oncoming Spring and the fact that people ā€œhave a lot of allergies.ā€


Other than making sure those who are ā€œelderly with preexisting conditions of any kind, any underlying health concernā€ are ā€œkept in isolation as best as possibleā€ and given medical care if their temperature rises, Nunes said that the ā€œmain issue is for us in the United States is just to remain calm.ā€

Anonymous ID: f781e1 March 14, 2020, 7:54 p.m. No.8420249   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>0272 >>0276 >>0299 >>0334 >>0342 >>0499 >>0575 >>0715 >>0723

US Surgeon General Tells Media To Stop Sniping At Trump Over Coronavirus: ā€˜No More Bickering ā€¦ Or Finger Pointingā€™


U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams chastised the media Saturday for constantly sniping at the Trump administrationā€™s efforts to combat the coronavirus.


ā€œI want you all to understand ā€” straight talk from the nationā€™s doctor ā€” we really need you all to lean into and prioritize the health and safety of the American people,ā€ Adams told an afternoon White House press briefing. ā€œNo more bickering, no more partisanship, no more criticism or finger-pointing; theyā€™ll be plenty of time for that, but we all need to hit the reset button and lean forward, the health and safety of the American people are top priority.ā€

Anonymous ID: f781e1 March 14, 2020, 7:59 p.m. No.8420291   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>0332

Elon Muskā€™s Girlfriend Prefers Technocracy Over Government


Where would Grimeā€™s get such an idea? From Elon Musk, who is a dyed-in-the-wool Technocrat and whose grandfather that he grew up with, Dr. Joshua Haldeman, was the national leader of Technocracy, Inc. in Canada during the 1930s and 1940s. āƒ TN Editor


We can never hold that much of a grudge against the pop savant who gifted our planet with ā€œOblivionā€ and Art Angels, but Grimesā€™s relationship with billionaire industrialistā€“mad scientist Elon Musk has certainly alienated some of her fans. The very online singer-producer-dater-of-Musk knows this and addresses the political dissonance of her relationship in a recent interview with Rolling Stone. She supports Bernie Sanders for president and identifies herself as ā€œhard, hard, hard left before,ā€ but now believes more in Muskā€™s ability to combat climate change than the governmentā€™s, even though it means she focuses less on issues like income inequality than before:


ā€œI just really, truly, utterly believe in sustainable energy and the electric future and making humanity a multi-planetary species,ā€ she says. ā€œThere are a lot of problems in the world that we need to solve. The government does not truly have the capacity to solve them. My boyfriend is actually doing it, tangibly, visibly ā€” like, you just canā€™t deny it.ā€

Anonymous ID: f781e1 March 14, 2020, 8:05 p.m. No.8420350   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun


Great Song


There are those who think that life has nothing left to chance

A host of holy horrors to direct our aimless dance


A planet of play things

We dance on the strings

Of powers we cannot perceive

'The stars aren't aligned

Or the gods are malignā€¦'

Blame is better to give than receive


You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill

I will choose a path that's clear

I will choose freewill

Anonymous ID: f781e1 March 14, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.8420387   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>0441


Its been around for a long longer then people realize


The technocracy movement is a social and ideological movement which arose in the early 20th century. Technocracy was popular in the United States and Canada for a brief period in the early 1930s, before it was overshadowed by other proposals for dealing with the crisis of the Great Depression. The technocracy movement proposed replacing politicians and businesspeople with scientists and engineers who had the technical expertise to manage the economy.

Anonymous ID: f781e1 March 14, 2020, 8:16 p.m. No.8420454   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>0485 >>0499 >>0575 >>0715 >>0723

DoD likely to split JEDI contract between Amazon and Microsoft, analyst says


Could Amazon and Microsoft end up sharing the Pentagonā€™s coveted $10 billion JEDI cloud computing contract?


Thatā€™s the likely scenario to play out in light of recent legal developments, according to Daniel Ives, a technology analyst with Wedbush Securities.

Wedbush Analyst Daniel Ives. (Wedbush Image)


This week the Department of Defense said it wants to ā€œreconsider certain aspectsā€ of its decision to award Microsoft with the contract, based on technical challenges presented by Amazonā€™s cloud computing arm.


Amazon Web Services sued the federal government after Microsoft emerged as the surprise winner of the JEDI contract last year. In additional to critiques about Microsoftā€™s online storage capability, Amazon has claimed that President Donald Trumpā€™s personal animus toward Amazon improperly influenced the outcome of the JEDI competition.

Anonymous ID: f781e1 March 14, 2020, 8:22 p.m. No.8420517   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>0608



>worst form of dictatorship. Unaccountable "experts


People still don't/won't try and understand it started with Nixon in roughly 1972 (Look ot UP)and this is how far they have gotten so farā€¦Called Trump and Q out on it a few times on this board and nobody pays attentionā€¦Soon You ALL Willā€¦But by then it will be to late as usualā€¦Sorry to say


Smart Regions Bypass Elected Officials To Implement Regional Governance


A new and purely Technocrat invention to impose unelected regionalism will soon sweep the nation. Phoenix is the pilot and model, with over 30 cities and 4.7 million citizens. Three non-governmental organizations are simply rising up to dominate the entire region to set policies and implementation plans relating to Smart City technology. There is no public mandate or authority for these actions. You heard this first on Technocracy.News! āƒ TN Editor


The public-private partnership includes the Arizona State University (ASU) Center for Smart Cities and Regions (CSCR) [a university, no public agency status whatsoever], the Arizona Institute for Digital Progress (IDP) [private, not government] and the Greater Phoenix Economic Council. [not government, a Public-Private Partnership]


The Greater Phoenix Smart Region Initiative, a new public-private nonprofit partnership created to grow smart city projects, is taking hold in the Phoenix metro region.


The coalition includes the Arizona State University (ASU) Center for Smart Cities and Regions (CSCR), the Arizona Institute for Digital Progress (IDP) and the Greater Phoenix Economic Council.


ASU will serve as the research and testbed role for the Phoenix Smart Region Initiative, harnessing the universityā€™s considerable intellectual talent, particularly via the ASU CSCR. ASU and IDP will craft a ā€œsmart cities digital road map,ā€ which should be complete by the end of October. The collaboration brings the work of ASU out into the larger region and strengthens relationships among policymakers [not elected representatives], entrepreneurs and others dedicated to growing innovation in the region.

Anonymous ID: f781e1 March 14, 2020, 8:33 p.m. No.8420599   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Only posting because it gave me a chuckleā€¦DAMN I want my money back and and they have a lot of it..Dirty FKersā€¦KEK


After Supreme Court Bans Mandatory Union Fees, Workers Ask for Refunds


In 2018, Mark Janus convinced the Supreme Court that mandatory government union dues violate the First Amendment. Now he wants his money back.


After his triumph at the High Court, Janus asked a federal trial judge to require the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) pay out about $3,000 in agency fees the union collected from his paycheck between 2013 and 2018. The judge declined and Janus lost on appeal, prompting a new petition to the Supreme Court.


So-called right-to-work cause lawyers including the Liberty Justice Center and the National Right to Work Foundation are litigating some 30 cases that collectively seek $120 million in garnished wages for public sector workers. Public sector unions proved surprisingly resilient after the Janus decision, seeing modest increases in membership and limited losses of revenue. Judgments ordering restitution to aggrieved workers, however, could vindicate doomsayers who predicted the end of agency fees would devastate organized labor. Approximately 5.9 million public employees paid mandatory fees prior to Janus, a massive pool of prospective plaintiffs.

Anonymous ID: f781e1 March 14, 2020, 8:44 p.m. No.8420689   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

5 Ways Mobile Devices are the Biggest Threat to Cybersecurity


Over time, mobile devices have experienced rapid development. The increase in the market purchase has made the mobile device manā€™s best friend ā€” ahead of the trusty dog. Well, nearly. But thereā€™s no doubt that the mobile device is now a manā€™s constant companion.


The mobile functionality, multipurpose facilities, its handy nature, and its ability to do various tasks on and off the internet make it almost impossible to live without.


Internet-connected mobile smartphones have presented many benefits to the work environment. Also, mobile devices have helped in building social networks and relationships between people.


However, in recent times, mobile devices are vulnerable and have become a breeding ground for hackers and spammers giving them access to some company data and personal databases. Furthermore, mobile devices are not often updated like personal computers (PC); hence; cyber attackers use the gap in a companyā€™s security space to their own advantage.


In the following paragraphs, five ways mobile devices are the biggest threat to cybersecurity will be discussed.