Anonymous ID: 063b71 March 14, 2020, 9:14 p.m. No.8420920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0957 >>0962 >>0967 >>0983 >>1093 >>1262 >>1388 >>1446

I have been pondering why this is playing out the way it is for some time.

At first I was wondering why President Trump and the Military didn't just round (them) up and execute (them) right away.

Then I realized there would be dire consequences and severe fallout from such an act. The S would HTF and all would be lost.

The masses would overreact to the media siren call of 'dictator' and revolt would be the result.

Civil war, global panic.


But when Q came along I jumped at the idea that the time had come at last and things were going to be done soon.

I even contacted relative-anons and told them to get ready for the storm. But things didn't happen as quickly as I thought they would.

Relative-anons continued to humor me and think I was crazy … and so I sat back and thought more about why.


Like many of you, I assume, I wondered what was taking so long?

Why were these evil monsters walking free and why were good people being prosecuted?

If Trump was the real deal, why weren't steps being taken to round up and deal with the guilty?


And then I took another step back and looked at the larger problem.

The Illusion.

It was so big and so pervasive that 99% of the masses were asleep. They were in thrall to the illusion.

They needed to be woken up. They needed to become informed on fundamental things, like basic civics and history.

How their government was supposed to work. What their basic and fundamental rights were. Why the Constitution of the USA was special. What the Bill of Rights is.

You see the problem? The masses had almost no idea how (they) had attacked and constricted their rights as citizens. The citizens didn't even know what it was to be a CITIZEN instead of a subject.

The schools, histories, and popular culture had so distorted and twisted the truth that no one really knew what the truth was. All deliberately subverted. Slowly and with purpose.

The masses had to become the informed citizens that the Republic needed them to be. But that is not easy. They had been lulled to sleep by decades (generations?) of lies and distractions.

How quickly could President Trump wake them up? How fast could they be made aware that the ship was sinking underneath them? Would enough of them rally to save the Republic from the jaws of evil?


4 years. That's how long POTUS has to wake the masses and prepare for what was really coming.

4 years to expose the corruption, the evil, the propaganda, the manipulation, the real ENEMY of the people and of humanitty.

EXPOSURE is what (they) truly fear. Because (they) cannot win if (they) are exposed. Dark to Light.

(THEY) must be exposed for what (they) really are if the plan is to succeed.

That was the real goal from the beginning. Exposing the evil.


I was reminded of the story of Pontius Pilate.

He was the Roman governor of Judea who gave the crowd a choice. To pardon Jesus or Barabbas.

The story is murky with speculation but I want to focus on one specific item.


Let that sink in.

The mob chose Barabbas and Jesus died.

The historic consequences and speculation set aside, on that day the crowd chose poorly. And as a result we have had 2000 years of difficulty.


We are being given another choice.

Let me say that more clearly.




President Trump has done all he is able, within the law, to stop the trafficking of children and victims of abuse.

He has done all that is within his power, within the law, to prevent violence and war.

He has done all that is within his power, within the law, to free the innocent and punish the guilty.

He has done all that is within his power, within the law, to stop (them) from lying and deceiving the masses.

He has taken all actions within his power, WITHIN THE LAW, to help us.


But in the end it will come down to us.


We must choose to support him.

We must choose the path of law and order.

We must choose the path of good over evil.

We must reject the lure, the bait, the trap that has ensnared humankind since the beginning.


In November of 2020, we must choose the correct path. This is what this is all about.


POTUS and those supporting him cannot FORCE us to be free. They cannot FORCE us to choose good over evil and think for ourselves, or the choice is meaningless.

We must chose the righteous path. Or continue to suffer the consequences of our poor decisions.

POTUS cannot save us, unless we CHOOSE to save ourselves.


For if we to not expose and acknowledge the evil and CHOOSE to reject it, (they) will just go underground and start the subversion again. Even if it takes them another 6000 years.

Anonymous ID: 063b71 March 14, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.8421180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1270



Agreed, anon.


The system was so corrupt that any lawful, legal action was impossible.


Even to acknowledge that actions taken by the FBI and DOJ that were unlawful would result in a flood of lawsuits which would cripple law enforcement and the judiciary.


If Hussein was not legitimate, then anything he presided over, any law he signed, anyone he appointed, would be unlawful then the entire justice system would be flooded with lawsuits and appeals ….






How do you fix something that is so broken it is beyond repair?


The scope is almost beyond comprehension.

