Anonymous ID: 8743ca March 14, 2020, 11:19 p.m. No.8421839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

[Sauce: ]




I'm a truck driver and this is what I'm seeing so far…


Since retiring from the military 10 years ago I started driving a truck over the road.

While a slow down after the holidays is typical, I've never seen anything like this before. We should be up to full operating capacity by now.


My dedicated lane has all but vanished. Instead of 12-13 loads coming out of the shipper per day, we are down to 1-3.


Proctor & Gamble distributors have lines of trucks waiting for product. Some of those trucks have been waiting for days as P&G can't meet production levels due to a shortage of raw materials.


Back hauls are so random it's becoming ridiculous. Our usual customers aren't shipping products.


The truck stops are full of trucks that can't find loads.


My dispatchers are starting to panic with load boards being empty.


Amazon warehouses are nearly empty, when at this same time last year they were at capacity and using trailers on their lots for storage.


The supply chain is broken and only getting worse by the day".



I thought that this stuff was just limited to the USA yet when shopping here in Canada I found that all the toilet paper and water and probably 1/3 of all the non-perishable food items was gone. And this was a big store. I have never seen anything like this in my life.


But my local Food Basics and Dollarama seems to be fine at the moment will all items being stocked, though in the Food Basics the area where the water usually is, is empty with pallets of water sitting on the shop floor but which seems to be going rapidly.