Anonymous ID: a77644 March 14, 2020, 11:29 p.m. No.8421884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1898 >>1914 >>1925 >>1989



SVT-CL on the ol' 8x10 fridge here.


Hello fellow bass anons.


Whenever I play shows with my band, I always wear my magickal/alchemical items: ring/bracelets, etc. Really, my whole outfit has meaning. And during our set, I trust and have faith that my innermost intentions: to turn Darkness to Light, to derive Order from within the Chaos, radiate outward and shake the whole earth.


And I have No Doubt that this indeed happens.


Quantum sheeeit my Bruddhas.


Blessings to All.

Anonymous ID: a77644 March 14, 2020, 11:47 p.m. No.8421987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2018


Seems like the math nerds had some recent progress with the Virtual Quantum Computer.


I'm out here doing the Analog thing.


Again, blessings and peace to all anons.


Anonymous ID: a77644 March 15, 2020, 12:04 a.m. No.8422067   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Quantum Grammar", you say? Sorta like what the "aliens"/"visitors" in the movie Arrival gifted to the humans?


The ability, the knowledge(?) to be able to understand that "Time" is merely a necessity to motion, not necessarily a measurement of "length of existence", really not even related to "Being" at all?


A poem, set to the beat above


"I'm sorry -Swell ft. Shiloh"



A Throne For Light to Dwell

Is a story I wanna tell.

But one id really rather sell,

So Buy in!

Quit Tryin!

Ya' Lyin!

While i was cryin with a heavy heart,

Writin' Intros, preludes, chapters, acts,

Two:seventeen living parts.

Aint worried bout a finale, this is big picture art.


Bigger than just music, bigger than dope poetry.

The plan expands into mixed media,

you really oughta get to know me,


All the visuals, The whole damn theme,

& it was all preconceived.

no notions, just motion, spread through infinite galaxies, including you & me.


So take a gander,

Guarantee im thinking Grander,

Heavenly gifted, I aint gotta pander.


Its all Real, it aint faked, but it damn sure is staged. (For the whole world)


"Yo, Brandon, turn that Light" [off].

Lets build this Throne."


A Throne for Light to Dwell,

Somewhere Where "Hell," is nothing more than the prevailing Mindstate.

yo, let's build this Throne,

& we'll find ourselves @ Heaven's Gate.

(On Everything)

(I Swear)


I'm dealin with pure potential here,

The unknown, no concrete.

Am I comin in clear?

Talkin' bout Light on a throne,

With a mic and some headphones on a beat?

The liability, of an idea with abilities,

Gravity, covering the quantum state.

Introduce Order to Chaos, to allow for the possibility to relate,

Where Strings are always waves til observation takes place.

Go ahead, double check with your mad scientists and their experiments.

Better yet, read the texts, both religious & the mystic.

Cause I'm building a throne for light to dwell in our midst,

& sending this concept of "hell" straight out of this plane of existence.

Anonymous ID: a77644 March 15, 2020, 12:34 a.m. No.8422197   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Likewise. Simply stating that, imo, even though we perceieve these things, through our current lense as "decay", that it is not truly so.


You asked something like "were things not at peace before we got here." Implyimf that humanity and our actions have upset the natural order.


I would take the position that our actions are just as much of the natural order, the natural order that is: The Infinite expressing Itself in All Possible Ways, and learning, fixing, falling, creating, re creating, over and over again. Until The Soul of The World is healed, and All Things Become One.


We're getting there. I'm outtie, God bless.