Seems that the JEW PARASITES have been hoist by their own BIO-WEAPONS petard.
Some jew in Seattle, WA. sent this particular strain of Covid-19 to the bio-weapons research facility in… Wait for it…
WUHAN, China, and it "accidentally" was released.
Little did the LOW IQ JEWS realize that is has a voracious appetite for ASIAN MALES.
Sadly for the LOW IQ JEWS, they are ASIATIC, which means that they are #3 on the list for contraction and mortality.
Now the "novel" disease is in ISRAEL, (Jewlandia), where the confirmed cases jumped from 143 to 193 over night.
As Jews lie like motherfuckers, it is more likely that the numbers are three times higher, but even if they are not, JEWS ARE FUCKING DOOMED, and it is glorious.
Jews cannot form in packs of jews higher than 10. This is because, with an R0 of 4.7, and a predilection for ASIAN males, and given that jews are ASIATIC, the disease will eat JEWS alive.
Hopefully, the disease will spread very fast throughout jew infested places such as NYC, Miami, LA, London, Paris, and other high jew populations areas, reducing their numbers to the mere 100,000 figure as opposed to the nearly 20 Million jews that plague the earth.
Long story short. Within a year, JEWS will so decimated that they will not pose much of a problem for anyone, and will die out within several generations.
It couldn't happen to a nicer group of "people."