Anonymous ID: a9f809 March 14, 2020, 11:44 p.m. No.8421968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1999 >>2004

The jews have finally worn out their welcome in the world, and their deeds are now about to DOOM the jews worldwide.

As of today, cases in Israel have reached 193, and gatherings of more than ten people have been banned.

Can anyone guess why???

It's because the jews are DOOMED, and it couldn't happen to a nicer group of chosenite monsters.

Bye, Bye, jews. I for one, will not miss you and will celebrate your demise as this tiny little virus will become the SAVIOR OF MANKIND, as you JEWS PERISH in the most miserable of ways.

good riddance to bad trash.

Anonymous ID: a9f809 March 14, 2020, 11:54 p.m. No.8422021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel was created by the Rothschild family in order to give cover to subversive jews (read all jews) by giving them a country to call home.

They have abused the world, and Israel has been their base of "untouchable" power.


That has all changed, thanks to a tiny little virus known to the scientific community as covid-19.


It is a nasty fucking disease that was engineered in a bio-weapons laboratory and which has, for one reason or another, made it's way into the general world population.


With an Ro if 4.7, it is highly contagious and will ravage populations throughout the world, as has been seen in China and Italy. This will soon plague ISRAEL, and decimate the world jew population in very high numbers because this particular bio-engineered virus has a proclivity for asian males.

As JEWS of the ashekenazi variety are ASIATIC, they are # 3 on the list for infection and mortality.

This is great news for the world as JEW ARE DOOMED, and are spreading the disease at alarming rates among their own populations both in Israel, a likely here, in the USA and Europe.

Bye, bye, jews. The Angel of Death is here and it is coming for you!

Good riddance to Horrible Trash.

Die, parasites!

Anonymous ID: a9f809 March 15, 2020, 12:07 a.m. No.8422085   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You JEWS are DOOMED and I have to say that I am pleased to announce your DOOM to the world.

The parasitical nation known as Israel has 193 confirmed case of JEW INFECTED Covid-19 cases.

There are an additional 2500 JEW medical workers currently under quarantine.

Furthermore, no more than 10 jews are permitted to gather.

Do you low IQ jews know what this means???

It means that YOU ARE DOOMED, and you are all gonna DIE a horrible, miserable death that you all have coming because you are LIARS, THIEVES, MURDERS, and general SCUM OF THE EARTH.

Bye, bye, motherfuckers. Your days are truly numbered.


Die, fuckers!

Anonymous ID: a9f809 March 15, 2020, 12:21 a.m. No.8422140   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seems that the JEW PARASITES have been hoist by their own BIO-WEAPONS petard.


Some jew in Seattle, WA. sent this particular strain of Covid-19 to the bio-weapons research facility in… Wait for it…

WUHAN, China, and it "accidentally" was released.

Little did the LOW IQ JEWS realize that is has a voracious appetite for ASIAN MALES.

Sadly for the LOW IQ JEWS, they are ASIATIC, which means that they are #3 on the list for contraction and mortality.


Now the "novel" disease is in ISRAEL, (Jewlandia), where the confirmed cases jumped from 143 to 193 over night.

As Jews lie like motherfuckers, it is more likely that the numbers are three times higher, but even if they are not, JEWS ARE FUCKING DOOMED, and it is glorious.

Jews cannot form in packs of jews higher than 10. This is because, with an R0 of 4.7, and a predilection for ASIAN males, and given that jews are ASIATIC, the disease will eat JEWS alive.

Hopefully, the disease will spread very fast throughout jew infested places such as NYC, Miami, LA, London, Paris, and other high jew populations areas, reducing their numbers to the mere 100,000 figure as opposed to the nearly 20 Million jews that plague the earth.

Long story short. Within a year, JEWS will so decimated that they will not pose much of a problem for anyone, and will die out within several generations.

It couldn't happen to a nicer group of "people."

Anonymous ID: a9f809 March 15, 2020, 12:47 a.m. No.8422264   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It is sad that a tiny, teeny-weeny virus, one of the smallest living organisms is going to deal with the JEWS like real MEN should have done long ago.

As the old saying goes, all's well that ends well, and in the case of HUMANITY, it is going to end well because the JEW PARASITES are about to be wiped off the face of God's green earth by a virus that will WIPE OUT THE JEWS and won't even say that it's sorry.

As of RIGHT THIS MOMENT, 193 anti-human jews are confirmed to have the world saving Virus known as covid-19.

2500 JEW medical workers are under quarantine.

The spread of this glorious disease among jews is SO HIGH that jews are BANNED from being in packs of more than TEN.

Covid-19, has a high MORTALITY RATE among ASIAN MALES, and JEWS are ASIATIC (Ashkenazi), meaning that the JEWS are #3 on the Angel of Death's list.

As the disease will fill your lungs with phlegm that is thicker than Elmer's Glue, and without a VENTILATOR to keep your sorry ass alive, not to mention having qualified medical personnel that know how to operate such equipment, you are as GOOD AS DEAD should the disease progress to this rate.

Well. sadly for the JEWS, given that the disease will RAVAGE their kind, there are not enough ventilators, nor are there enough qualified personnel for all the jews worldwide to get the care that they would need to survive.

This means that they are GOING TO DIE.


You parasites should have changed your ways when you had the chance. Now you are being eradicated, and called back to Hell, where you god Satan is waiting for you.

Bye, bye, motherfuckers.