Anonymous ID: dd1a8d March 14, 2020, 10:36 p.m. No.8421601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1640 >>1659

>>8421482 (PB)

The story gets better! That's some seriously bad engineering right there for a guy to shoot the monitor! Drugs were obviously involved, too. One does not simply shoot at a monitor completely straight.

Anonymous ID: dd1a8d March 14, 2020, 10:51 p.m. No.8421699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1722 >>1827


If you played music and hung out with musicians as I did in those days, seeing weird shit a lot of the time was the norm. I'm lucky to have gotten out alive with little damage other than some hearing loss. Most of my teen and early 20's musician friends and band mates are still alive, and doing well, still playing music, all of them very nice, kind people. By that I mean they learned some hard lessons, shed the wild lifestyle, embraced God, and seek to express the good and right in life through their music. A number of them are seriously conservative, too. I swear at least one is a Q follower as per their social media postings.

Anonymous ID: dd1a8d March 14, 2020, 11:32 p.m. No.8421902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1916


Explain all that control over the DS. How does one control the DS? By what manner, form, technique? Are you going mystical with this? A divine, beyond our comprehension plan because we're stuck in a fake matrix-like world at present?


Otherwise, I don't believe this virus is a Patriot induced op. I think it IS a DS plot. A last ditch effort to blow up the economy and hurt Trump in November. It is my contention that Q+ knew about this for as long as the globalist cabal hatched it. Q+ are using this last ditch effort by the DS to begin the final act of arrests when things go dark. "My fellow Americans, The storm is upon us…" The DS had no choice but pull this virus card, and have it pushed hard by their puppets in the MSM to cause as much panic and mayhem as necessary. They are hoping they can somehow pull off a miracle of surviving through complete mayhem when their brainwashed masses begin rioting. That's how a sick mind thinks. That's what and who we're dealing with.

Anonymous ID: dd1a8d March 14, 2020, 11:40 p.m. No.8421947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2064


That is my thinking too. Either a horrible understanding of what and who we're dealing with (evil), or a deliberate attempt to push that narrative, to divide us. We've known since day one that the only way is through military intervention. Exactly what that means remains to be seen. If that means using all their intelligence capabilities to help wake us up, and generate a solid support for a Trump second term with even more great things coming for America, while allowing the justice system to do their job, then so be it. No flying lead by any troops necessary.

Anonymous ID: dd1a8d March 14, 2020, 11:51 p.m. No.8422007   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Except for specific events happening on specific dates. You know, things like declas (plus long list of things promised that never happened that only depress me when I read that list)… Because of that real world fact, we're left with expecting real world answers to real world questions about the full control of the globalist/DS/cabal. What Q group is in control of is convincing the public of their control. Helps us sleep better. They also have control over the full armed might of the military, which we've been told is the only way. That I also believe.

Anonymous ID: dd1a8d March 15, 2020, 12:49 a.m. No.8422282   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was even younger when I died. I didn't plan it. Coming from a hall of fame athletic family (both genders), I was used to pushing and challenging, to the point of fearless, careless endangerment, prodded by a sense of youthful indestructibility. On that day, during a "challenge," one moment I could breath, then suddenly I could not. After a period of heart pounding desperation for oxygen, suddenly there was no need to breath at all, yet I was very alive. There was no evident light source, but light was all around. Nor was there a sense of limited space, or being held down by the force of gravity.


There also was no need to physically turn my head when I detected the presence of another. I simply turned my attention to the side, where two beings appeared. We recognized each other instantly. I also felt as though we had just seen one another, as if we only parted a short time ago.


As I was about to express my thoughts, the one I perceived as being the oldest spoke, "Ah, what a surprise! We meet again! Now, be at peace, all is well. You are not finished with your work, and purpose. We will meet soon enough." Then in a flash, I was back in my body, and able to breathe, no longer in danger.


I wasn't alone when this happened. A close friend was with me, who saw the danger I was in, but unable to help. It is my understanding that he saw something he can't explain. We have never talked about it to this day.