Anonymous ID: 01d4a5 March 15, 2020, 1:25 a.m. No.8422480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2548 >>2643 >>2774 >>2963

AMZN's Healthcare Skunkworks: Project Gesundheit, (a.k.a. code name 1492, ' a new world project') :


'Amazon is secretly working on a cure for the common cold'


Amazon is working on a cure for the common cold in a years-long, top secret effort called “Project Gesundheit,” according to three people familiar with the effort. The company has more than 100 working out of Grand Challenge, a research and development group that sits under its cloud division, AWS. A small team in this group, including scientists and technologists, is now working on a treatment for the world’s most common illness. The team is hoping to develop a vaccine, but is exploring a variety of approaches to the problem. Internally, the effort is sometimes referred to as the “vaccine project.” Colds cost the U.S. economy an estimated $40 billion per year, both because of physician visits and lost productivity, according to a landmark 2003 study from the University of Michigan. Grand Challenge, which hasn’t been publicly acknowledged by Amazon, has a mandate to tackle big problems, ideally finding solutions that will have a major impact on humanity. The group, which has sometimes been known by its code-name “1492,” is run by Babak Parviz, who previously worked at Alphabet’s research and development effort, then known as Google X"


More from Pop Mechanics article:

'Is Amazon Secretly Working on a Cure for the Common Cold?Maybe…but no one really knows why.'


"Amazon certainly has the money to fund this research, but why would an e-commerce company want to do battle with the common cold? Amazon hasn't publicly acknowledged Grand Challenge so it's unlikely we'll know in the near future, though Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is known for his grand—if not entirely plausible—ideas."

Anonymous ID: 01d4a5 March 15, 2020, 2 a.m. No.8422643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2774


More on AMZN X & 1492 (GOOG engineers are leading):


"Deep inside Amazon, a secretive group called Grand Challenge, led by the creator of Google Glass, is working on a series of bold projects involving cancer research, medical records and last-mile delivery, according to people familiar with the matter.


Similar to Alphabet’s experimental research lab, X (formerly Google X), Grand Challenge is a research team set up to explore ambitious new ventures that can eventually expand Amazon’s already wide footprint, said the people, who asked not to be named because the work is confidential.


The group, which also operates under the monikers 1492 and Amazon X, has added over 50 people since 2014, when Babak Parviz left Google X to head up the effort. The makeup of Parviz’s team illustrates how far out Amazon is going to pursue innovative projects, beyond its primary businesses of e-commerce, consumer devices and Amazon Web Services, while still using resources from those divisions for some of its initiatives.