Anonymous ID: 0e0fac March 15, 2020, 1:13 a.m. No.8422413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2548 >>2551 >>2774 >>2963

The genius of the plan astounds me.


>getting ready for the final roundup

>DS will pull all the FF plugs loose

>release coronachan.exe

>4am talking points reeeeee at muh virus

>create artificial shortage of poo paper

>normies stock up on everyday supplies without a panic

>sportsball FF threat shut down

>school FF shut down

>everybody telecommuting

>nobody needs to brave antifags on the street


>normies blame liberal MSM for the little panic they do see

>Who TF needs that much TP?

>We need to fix our supply chains

>relying on Chicoms sux


It's beautiful to behold, frens.