Anonymous ID: c7c4b9 March 15, 2020, 1 a.m. No.8422321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2532

Before we all know it, and thank God in heaven, JEWISH populations will be decimated, and their STRANGLEHOLD on HUMANITY will finally be broken, thanks to a little virus known as Covid-19.

As of now, 193 jew parasites have the glorious disease, 2500 JEW medical workers are under quarantine, and packs of jews are limited to 10.

As you may know, Covid-19 is a bio-weapon, released in Wuhan, China, where there just so happens to be a bio-weapons laboratory, and by some strange coincidence, a JEW sent this strain to Wuhan, and it somehow mysteriously made its way into the public and now the world.


Turns out, Covid-19 loves to kill asian males. Next on the list is Asian females. #3 on the ANGEL OF DEATH's list are ASHKENAZI JEWS, due to the fact that they are asiatic and have lots of Chinaman genes in their DNA. OOPS!

Now, the disease has made its way to ISRAEL, and they are gonna be wiped out.


With an R0 of 4.7, very few jews in Israel, or anyplace else, for that matter, will be able to escape the wrath of Covid-19, in which jews, like their asian counterparts, have a HIGHER MORTALITY RATE than other populations.

Bye, bye, you fucking parasites!

Anonymous ID: c7c4b9 March 15, 2020, 1:35 a.m. No.8422546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2583

The GLORIOUS ANGEL OF DEATH, better known to the scientific community as Covid-19 or to us common plebs as Corona virus has made it's GLORIOUS appearance in the PARASITIC state of Israel, where it is poised to WIPE out huge SWATHS of JEW SWINE, in a matter of months.


Covid-19 has an R0 of 4.7. THAT's FUCKING HIGH, when you consider that 6.0 is the highest R0 possible. If Covid-19 had an R0 of 6.0, everyone on earth would be effected.

Back to the demise of JEWS and Israel…

Jews are Asiatic. They have lots of Chinaman genes because they are Mongoloid monsters that converted to Judaism around 700 AD, long after the biblical jews got what they had coming.

Because Covid-19 loves to KILL ASIANS, and jews are ASIATIC, JEWS are #3 on the list for infection and MORTALITY.

How sad…

As Bibi, head of the jews in Israel has now banned gatherings of more than 10 jews, this means that Israel's economy WILL GO TO SHIT in a very short amount of time.

Given that most people HATE JEWS, and there is a BDS in place, and investments, etc., have DECLINED DRAMATICALLY, and everyone sees the JEWS for the dirty, filthy, murderous parasites that they are, there will not be hoards of stupid GOYIM lining up to send their shit to Israel, and the PARASITICAL JEWS, especially when GOYIM populations are in lock-down and resources are needed here.

Poor little jew slime, dying in the streets of Israel, and no GOYIM to bail them out.

What a pity.

By the time it is all over, there will be a shitload of DEAD JEWS lying in the streets.

What a shame.

You JEWS BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELVES, and now, you are all GONNA DIE, and your country is going to go BELLY UP.


Anonymous ID: c7c4b9 March 15, 2020, 1:50 a.m. No.8422613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jews have been FUCKING over the GOYIM (which means CATTLE, a little nickname the jews gave non-jews), it was only a matter of time before the forces of the universe rebelled and set the record straight.

JEWS are now about to REAP what they have SOWED, and we GOYIM have Covid-19 to thank for saving humanity from the jews.

As you may know, Israel now has 193 confirmed cases of Covid-19, and 2500 medical workers are under quarantine.

Covid-19 has an R0 of 4.7.

The mortality rate among Asians is HUGE, as Covid-19 LOVES to KILL ASIANS.

JEWS are ASIATIC. They have lots of Chinese Genes, placing JEWS #3 on the list for infection and mortality.



The smarter jews, which isn't saying much, know how serious this is for them which is why packs of jews have been limited to 10 in Israel.


Here in the good old USA, gatherings are limited to 250 or more.

Why only 10 in Israel?


If you think that the infection/death rate in Italy is high, it will be nothing compared to the jews.

Their economy is TOAST, and all of the other countries on earth are spending their money at home. That means NO MONEY FOR THE PARASITES.


They are so fucked, and they deserve it!

Bye, bye, jews.