Anonymous ID: a04971 March 15, 2020, 3:16 a.m. No.8423097   🗄️.is đź”—kun

ok what was that about the iranian prisoner release being related to these stupid and sick people wanting for us to release prisoners because of Covid 19, again please?


some of the $ went to SA…. surprise surprise….


Moar Musick!

Anonymous ID: a04971 March 15, 2020, 3:31 a.m. No.8423203   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3214


whoopsy! for a second there [you] thought that [you] mattered :D


1: low level CT who thinks they know something but doesn't know much of shit

2: white supremacist skin head pussy faggot

3: islam piece of shit

4: catholic piece of shit


I choose #4 and proceed to drop bombs…. :D

I trust me :D

I love when you notice me as I will win if you ever truly engaged and until that time I do this only to show the new eyes as otherwise I would filter your low grade ass in .01 yer gone :D




ooops one last line item

5: you work for us to help inoculate the normies and in that case, I love you bro! :D

Anonymous ID: a04971 March 15, 2020, 3:46 a.m. No.8423273   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3303


as [you] look for that one that time that one jew did that one thing i can literally fill breads all day every day with articles like these….


yet somehow with chest all puffed out…. you honestly believe that you are even in the Ring….


ding ding mother fucker ding ding

Anonymous ID: a04971 March 15, 2020, 5:06 a.m. No.8423569   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3578

Netanyahu's corruption trial postponed due to coronavirus outbreak

Published 42 mins ago


"A Jerusalem district court announced on Sunday that it was postponing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's criminal trial for two months because of restrictions arising from the outbreak of the coronavirus.


Netanyahu was scheduled to appear in court Tuesday to face charges of fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes in connection to a series of scandals. But following the emergency health measures the government enacted restricting the gathering of people in public places, the court announced that it was pushing back the hearing until May 24.


Netanyahu is accused of receiving expensive gifts from wealthy friends and offering to exchange favors with powerful media moguls. The long-ruling Israeli leader denies any wrongdoing and says he is the victim of a media-orchestrated witch hunt.




Netanyahu's lawyers had previously appealed for a delay, saying they needed more time to review evidence. But it was swiftly rejected on the grounds that the March 17 hearing was a procedural reading of the charges only and that the defendant's response was not needed."

Anonymous ID: a04971 March 15, 2020, 5:12 a.m. No.8423597   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3627

Walmart Shortens Its Hours to Disinfect and Restock


"Walmart, the largest retailer in America, said Saturday that it will will modify its store hours in response to the pandemic."


"6am to 11pm until further notice."


mother of god

what will we do without 24 hour walmart access

hold me!

Anonymous ID: a04971 March 15, 2020, 5:25 a.m. No.8423639   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3680 >>3802


UK to put all citizens over 70 into isolation for MONTHS as coronavirus spreads across the country

Updated 1 hour ago


"UK’s Health Secretary confirmed plans to isolate people aged over 70 for up to four months amid a coronavirus pandemic. The goal is to protect them, but critics say it may be a really bad idea.

Isolating the elderly is “clearly in the action plan” Health Secretary Matt Hancock has told Sky News, confirming earlier reports in the British media. “We will be setting it out with more detail when it's the right time to do,” he added, which may come within weeks.


“We absolutely appreciate that it is a very big ask of the elderly and the vulnerable, and it’s for their own self-protection,” Hancock told Sky News' Sophy Ridge.


Earlier ITV’s political editor Robert Peston said the British government was likely to enforce a “wartime-style” mobilization effort and other emergency measures, including isolation of elderly people."




Anonymous ID: a04971 March 15, 2020, 5:39 a.m. No.8423701   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3723 >>3730 >>3802

Top official who claimed more than 100,000 coronavirus cases

in Ohio now admits she was just guesstimating



"Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton grabbed headlines on Thursday when she claimed there could possibly be more than 100,000 active coronavirus cases in The Buckeye State.


“We know now, just the fact of community spread, says that at least 1 percent, at the very least, 1 percent of our population is carrying this virus in Ohio today,” Acton said. “We have 11.7 million people. So the math is over 100,000. So that just gives you a sense of how this virus spreads and is spreading quickly.”


However, the top Ohio health official now admits her claim was not based in science.


“I am not saying there are absolutely for certain 100,000 people. I’m saying I’m guesstimating. If I’m guesstimating community spread, that’s my best number,” she said Friday, the Daily Caller News Foundation reported. – READ MORE"


