Anonymous ID: cb014b March 15, 2020, 5:48 a.m. No.8423745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>PART of what [they] believe.

The ancient esoteric Hermetic-Luciferianism IS the one world religion. It has always been practiced by the ruling/priestly class. All publicly taught scripture from any given world religion is just a facade fabricated to ensure the transmission of the core teachings throughout the ages (For the benefit of the ELect). Like other religious dogmas, Judaism is a facade used as the primary vehicle with which this Babylonian-Kabaalah has been propagated throughout the world. Kabaalistic Magick practitioners of the ancient world have been pulling the strings of humanity for eons. Like anything in this realm, there is dark & light-/Yin/Yang. Black Magick/ White Magick, Wizards & Warlocks. Intent matters. The Black Magicians who have seized power don't really care if you think they are Jews or Catholics or Muslims, so long as your antagonism to a given sect is appropriate for their desired results. So indeed, they will stoke enmity between groups to ensure situations of tension that they can play like a fiddle.


-If "Hate" enters into your critical thought process at any point when analyzing the world, you're doing it wrong. Anyone accusing me of "Hating" J_ws for broaching this subject matter is being disingenuous and manipulative.