Anonymous ID: 02118d March 15, 2020, 6:43 a.m. No.8424014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4067

Baha'i & The One World Religion Examined


>this is soros' one world religion anons. if you listen to the below, you'll get some wisdom from legend and patriot Bill Cooper


members of the baha'i cult also work for soros' open society foundation


the baha'i cult is the only religion ever recognised by the UN


Baháʼís around the world annually elect local, regional, and national Spiritual Assemblies that govern the affairs of the religion, and every five years the members of all National Spiritual Assemblies elect the Universal House of Justice, the nine-member supreme governing institution of the worldwide Baháʼí community, which sits in Haifa, Israel near the Shrine of the Báb.