Anonymous ID: 4cf139 March 15, 2020, 6:16 a.m. No.8423865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3871 >>4305 >>4417 >>4478 >>4562 >>4571

‘CoronaVirus Won’t go Away Until Third Temple Built’ Rabbi says

“We are assured that returning the crown of tefillin to the Temple Mount will remove the crown of suffering, the coronavirus, from the world.”

Anonymous ID: 4cf139 March 15, 2020, 6:50 a.m. No.8424067   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>PART of what [they] believe.


The ancient esoteric Hermetic-Luciferianism IS the one world religion. It has always been practiced by the ruling/priestly class. All publicly taught scripture from any given world religion is just a facade fabricated to ensure the transmission of the core teachings throughout the ages (For the benefit of the ELect). Like other religious dogmas, Judaism is a facade used as the primary vehicle with which this Babylonian-Kabaalah has been propagated throughout the world. Kabaalistic Magick practitioners of the ancient world have been pulling the strings of humanity for eons. Like anything in this realm, there is dark & light-/Yin/Yang. Black Magick/ White Magick, Wizards & Warlocks. Intent matters. The Black Magicians who have seized power don't really care if you think they are Jews or Catholics or Muslims, so long as your antagonism to a given sect is appropriate for their desired results. So indeed, they will stoke enmity between groups to ensure situations of tension that they can play like a fiddle.


-If "Hate" enters into your critical thought process at any point when analyzing the world, you're doing it wrong. Anyone accusing me of "Hating" J_ws for broaching this subject matter is being disingenuous and manipulative.

Anonymous ID: 4cf139 March 15, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.8424288   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Story Below your link

[These People Are Sick]


Charlize Theron Convinced Sean Penn to Get Rid of His Gun Collection—So He Asked Jeff Koons to Turn Them All Into a Sculpture

>CNN anchor Anderson Cooper placed the winning $1.4 million bid for the sculpture at a charity auction.


Penn, now 59, made the decision to give up his guns at the behest of fellow Oscar-winning actor Charlize Theron, whom he dated from 2013 to 2015. (The 44-year-old South African actress’s anti-gun beliefs were formed as a teenager, when her abusive father drunkenly shot at her and her mother. Theron’s mother fired back in self-defense and killed him.)


“I’m a self-proclaimed alpha male who owns 67 firearms,” Penn told a star-studded crowd at his 2014 “Help Haiti Home Gala” in Beverly Hills, as reported by the Daily Mail. “But I’ve had my mind changed about guns by a strong woman, a beautiful South African woman.”


-Journalist and CNN anchor Anderson Cooper placed the winning bid, edging out then-colleague Piers Morgan at $1.4 million. (This was actually kind of a steal, considering that Koons is among the world’s most expensive living artists, having last year seen his Rabbit sculpture sell for $91 million at Christie’s New York.)

Anonymous ID: 4cf139 March 15, 2020, 7:31 a.m. No.8424406   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, First week of December I had full on flu-respiratory cold/ sinus infection for 2 weeks. Worst I've ever experienced, had constant clicking in my skull from sinus pressure. Rode it out for a week & a half, then got my hands on some MMS & colloidal silver, seemed to wrap it up.


I likely was exposed at family Thanksgiving, I have young nieces and nephews (<3yrs) that had just gotten flu shots/vaccines (My family is all brain-dead mockingbird victims).