Anonymous ID: 56b641 March 15, 2020, 6:26 a.m. No.8423910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3918 >>3940 >>4082 >>4305 >>4417 >>4478 >>4562 >>4571

Day of Prayer


Father God , I come before you and acknowledge your Holiness. You are the Creator of the Universe; you are Creator of all the earth. Your Word says the very hairs of every human head are numbered, and You know the number of them all. Your Word says You know the number of tears every human has cried, and You keep them in Your bottle. Your Word says You know the number of days we will exist on this earth, the earth You created, and have set that boundary, and no human will go past it.


Father God, I come before You and I acknowledge my sin. My rebellion against You; going my own way instead of going Yours. I stood on satan's slave block, I lived in a disgusting pit, and Jesus Christ shed His blood to pay my bond price and He bought me. According to Your Word, I am now His doulos; forgive me when I disobey.


Sovereign Lord, I also ask You forgive my participation in the collective sin of this nation, for I am guilty. This nation has turned away from You. We offer our children to Molech - either through abortion, neglect, or indifference - or we have stood by and turned a blind eye while others did. Forgive us, Lord.


We have allowed the perversion of the sanctity of marriage; we have allowed the perversion of the beauty of sex that is to be a sacred thing between a married man or woman only. We've all done it in some form or fashion, and we've turned a blind eye - forgive us, Lord.


We've worshipped money, prestige, ourselves, everything but You, our Creator; we've made for ourselves idols; false gods, and we have bowed the knee to them. Forgive us, Lord. Turn us back to You.


This nation has drifted so far from Your Precepts and Principles; this nation no longer even acknowledges You, yet we gripe at the shape this nation is in, and wonder why it is what it is, when we ourselves have cheered on the sin and evil that brought it thus. Forgive our hypocrisy, Lord.


You have laid out the way which man must travel if a nation is to be blessed. We have shaken our collective fist in Your face, we have lied to ourselves, then bellyached when we reaped the sum of our own actions. Forgive us, Lord.


My Father, I pray for every human soul on the face of the earth, I ask that You would unstop every ear, open every eye, reveal Your Truth to them. I pray You would block every lie of satan. I pray that You will do what ever You must do to turn the people of this earth back to You. Save the souls of those You have called Yours, bring them to repentance and salvation thru faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ.


You are a God of Love and Mercy, but You are also a God of Justice and those who sow seed; reap in kind. We have no right to complain about the harvest we are reaping by the seed we ourselves have sown. That said, forgive us, Lord, and have mercy on us.


Thank You for the many blessings You have given us and forgive our ungratefulness.


I pray for our President. I pray for this man whom You have called. I pray for his team, Qteam, our soldiers and warriors on the frontline, I pray You will protect them and give them a spirit of wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. They are fighting the evil, but we know they are only the tools. The war is already won, and You will bring it to fruition in due time. Praise Your Name.


Save this nation, save this earth, Lord; spiritually and physically, if it be Your Will. Do whatever You must do to turn this nation; this earth, back to You and we give You all the praise and glory.


Come quick, Lord Jesus.


In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Anonymous ID: 56b641 March 15, 2020, 7:05 a.m. No.8424207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4215 >>4233 >>4238 >>4305 >>4314 >>4417 >>4478 >>4562 >>4571

just gave my LE spouseanon a huge redpill with this clip. Spouseanon shaking their head in disbelief/realization.


Love you all, anons, and I am no homo.




Sidney Powell, General Flynn's attorney, recently spoke at Hillsdale College where she confirms the rumor regarding shocking and unlawful material contained on Anthony Weiners laptop #Pedogate #Pedowood #ThesePeopleAreSick #StormIsHere RT RT RT


(apologies if already posted)

Anonymous ID: 56b641 March 15, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.8424310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4365

>hardened detectives had to go throw up


  • Sidney Powell, at Hillsdale College


(since shills loved it so much, posting it again. Kek, kek, a thousand times kek)