Anonymous ID: d2b4ff March 15, 2020, 6:24 a.m. No.8423907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3945 >>3973

Gates meeting with Bloomberg in Palm Beach?


Gates purchased his home at 3155 Mallet Hill Court for $8.7 million. Mallet Hill's residents include Michael Bloomberg, the New York City Mayor, Frank McCourt, previous owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers, Sulhail Rizvi, a private equity banker whose firm owns the rights to The Twilight Saga, Stuart Roffman, the owner of the mega-yacht Lion Share, and the newest resident Bill Gates.

Anonymous ID: d2b4ff March 15, 2020, 6:26 a.m. No.8423913   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It would not be that hard to believe. We are definitely closing on. I was digging on the Guatamalan House of Culture military extraction because it seems so similar the way they had to disinfect the helicoptors.

Anonymous ID: d2b4ff March 15, 2020, 7:07 a.m. No.8424220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4241 >>4248

Ukraine was the largest donor to the Clinton Foundation.


Ukraine was propped up with Foreign Aide.


Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation


In 2016, it appears Clinton/Obama holdovers pushed through $500M in foreign aide suddenly in 2016. Aide routinely averaged 100M or so and spiked up. It has since come down but still reflects around 200M per year.