Anonymous ID: dbb3d6 The Toilet paper Psyop. March 15, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.8424110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4305 >>4417 >>4464 >>4478 >>4562 >>4571

The Toilet paper Psyop.


Well done Spook this was very well done. Having the normie freak the fuck out about Toilet paper is just pure genius.


If your objective was to force compliance of the Population toward quarantine measure Well done indeed.


Here how it work:


The situation.


People are not going to willingly quarantine themselves if they don't have a very strong feeling of DREAD. So what could be done easily without harming anyone!That could trigger this?


When you buy Toilet paper at Costco the packages are just huge! Very visible, high visual impact! And with just a few people starting to show up in public place with mask and stock pilling on Fucking Toilet paper, WILL be noticed by the normie, I guarantee it! They will share the fuck out on social media and start going nuts!


And if you add the context of a Fucking Global Pandemic and Very Potential economic crash then you see that the dread level for the Normie will be very high.


Now the stage is set and people will willingly accept whatever the Government will tell them to do.


You are all very welcome!



Hong Kong op started 7 Febuary


7 march

Fucking KeK!

USA around 29 of febuary


And so on and so on all around the world.