Anonymous ID: 1b4396 March 15, 2020, 9:44 a.m. No.8425445   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Contrast Increases.


Dark and Light

Fear and Love

Unconscious and Conscious


The latest mass illusion shell game is in full view, as talking heads worldwide lie their cowardly asses off selling fear to the unconscious mass minds


Any message of fear is to control your mind, full stop.


Even when training for dangerous tasks, the best instruction empowers the trainee with a true picture which allows the consciousness of the individual to assess the level of personal concern and make informed decisions based upon reality.


Mind control training for conformity restricts the mind of the trainee to instinctive fear states, where the mind can only PASSIVELY select from among programmed responses. Conventional military training, teacher training, even medical training partakes of this motivation and methodology.


Anyone using intimidation indoctrination to browbeat your mind into submissive conformity is lying to your face, period!


The fact that institutions, groups of people effectively in conspiracy, including the corrupted organized religious institutions, have exploited fear conditioning for so long has made it seem the normal thing to do!


Life is too short to waste any time listening to anyone who wants to control you!


The real power in human groups comes from voluntary cooperation, not slave army conformity!

All invention and creativity, even though necessitated, comes forth from inspiration and collaboration, period!


When all the mass control media (MCM) can present is ex-spurts confessing their fear in serious tones, you KNOW the end of the mass delusion is near. Does anyone remember the natural law of pendulum swinging?


Are we so locked into normalcy bias by the persistent media illusion, that we have forgotten human history and even our own psychological comprehension?


Push fear long enough and the reaction comes.

1) Breakdown - the outcome desired by the globalist parasites, allowing the final lockdown dreamed of by the nightmare creatures at the top of the power chain


2) Instinctive Pushback – a mass emotion driven resistance to the top-down agenda but without enough awareness to avoid being manipulated by the globalist controllers, blunted by the illusion that nothing is new, that it is normal to accept being herded into smaller and smaller cattle chutes


3) Awakening - people break out of their induced trance and see that the few have been pushing them down into hell for millennia, the only possible long term resolution of this experiment in planetary pain and control by elite parasites, as the people outnumber their abusers on the approcimate order of magnitude, 700,000 to 1!


We are here now to either participate in option 3 or to go with the mass flow down the drain under options 1 and 2.


Instead of having only the illusory choices among which approved programming to select in our sleep, we have the choice to wake up or die on schedule.


Choose wisely, brothers and sisters and confused!