Anonymous ID: d2f576 March 15, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.8425743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5753 >>5795 >>6054

Dear Lord who are in heaven..


Holy is your name! Your kingdom come, your will be done one earth as it is in Heaven!


Give us each day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, individually and collectively as a nation, as we forgive those who sin against us!

Lead us not into temptation, but protect us from the traps of the evil one… His snares and lies, his deceit, and fury darts… Build a shield around your people, surround us by the fire of your Holy Spirit!


We pray for the country Lord, we repent of the evil we have been a part of… Abortion, lying, deceit, greed, hate, evil, fear, unbelief, and any and all witting or unwitting agreements with the enemy. We tear them all up! We declare them null and void in the name of Jesus.


We pray for the healing and cleansing of our land, from evil, we pray for Justice, in the name of Jesus!


We pray that you pour out your spirit on America again.. And cause a great revival..

Make America BORN again!


We pray for protection on POTUS. Q, and all our military in the old around the world. God please stretch out your hand and deliver them to victory over this evil. Send armies of angels to fight with them! To fight for them! To protect our troops in harms way and cause them to win this victory for your Name and your glory. Let justice be served! In the name of Jesus.


We pray against this corona virus, and we come against it! In the name of Jesus we declare it will die and be cast down and destroyed. It will not spread nor kill anymore.

It will not come near your people!

We pray for the cleansing and the healing of our land Lord Yahweh! We ask that you hear our prayers from heaven! And move in a mighty way today! Let it be known in all the world that You are the living God who answers the prayers of your beloved children and no force or weapon created against them will stand.

Throw down the schemes of the enemy and deliver us to a new day where you are our God and we are your children forever.


Praised be your Holy name!

Your works are mighty and your word is faithful!

We pray that you send your armies today and deliver victories on every battlefield.. And keep safe all who call upon your name!


In Jesus name!



Anonymous ID: d2f576 March 15, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.8425935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5960



Oh we pray in secret too. Don't you worry about hypocrisy. But if my prayer was righteous, you better repent before the Lord. For those who point the finger and accuse their brethren… Are no better than the angel of all lies himself .

Examine your motive first.. Then point the finger at others.

It's a national day of prayer.

When was the last time YOU fasted?