Laura is a neocon. They are on the same team. She's on team get them to war so they kill a million people and commit 22 suicides a day and die off. Hogg is on team "get the guns so we can kill them even faster." Then they come along and say, you have to pick two of the choices. I just don't get involved in left/right tiffs, that's for the establishment. Two wings on the same damn bird and it's a vulture trying to pick at me.
I honestly think he was against them the whole time. That is why the MSM made him out to be a cross between a fool and a traitor. Like the Motley fool, the court jester who was the only one not afraid to tell the king what was actually happening.
They're dropping like flies without a river of free dirty money coming in.
I thought it was HW with her at first but Prince Philllip likes that too.
I admit, I thought she was on the level. Condi did not surprise me one bit. Fergie is to be expected. Kristine Marcy has been calling big brother up, now.
no, but I heard about it on here. Thanks for sharing. Nice bread.