Anonymous ID: 903392 March 15, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.8426615   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Trump's Ultrasonic Whistle Exposes Vermin Infestation


My online friend Jeffrey Satinover compared the President to an ultrasonic whistle “that cause all of the vermin to rush frantically out of their hiding holes, and you suddenly realize how infested the place is.” This week’s presser was a masterstroke that exposed the lie of socialism versus capitalism, central power versus federal systems with its diffusion of power and responsibility, and the effects of a dynamic leader versus conventional ones. In the process, we can see how Trump’s fight against open borders, bureaucratic red tape, and globalized production is a critical part of national health and security.


Open Borders


Porous national borders aid the spread of infectious disease and given China’s mendacious two-month secrecy about the Wuhan virus outbreak, the President’s shutting down travel from China gave us a bit more time to cope with its spread despite the Chinese-created lag. Europe’s EU mandated open borders policy, in contrast, has made the continent the new epicenter of the pandemic. Banning all flights of non-U.S. citizens and permanent residents from Europe as the President has done also gives us more time to respond. Today all of Spain shut down. Poland, defying the EU, has closed its borders. Italy with hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers is a sad case where the medical facilities are so overwhelmed that doctors, suffering great emotional pain in the process, must remove life-saving equipment from the old and infirm to save younger patients. Italy is a country that highly values its elders. As American Thinker reported, “The central planners don’t have enough beds. There’s not enough staff. There’s no free market to step in and pick up the slack. It’s not allowed.”


Adding insult to injury, the EU requires open borders of its member states yet has refused Italy any help. Consider this a lesson to remember: In a pinch, no matter how much one-world blather national leaders mouth, they look after their own interests first (expecting us, of course, to be the exception).


Congress is late getting this first principle. It took the House Democrats until Thursday to finally withdraw from the calendar a vote on the bill to severely limit the President’s right to impose travel restrictions, and it fought bitterly to prevent the construction of the wall, which, along with other measures by the administration, has largely stemmed illegal entry into the country.

