Anti-Q ID: 973ec3 March 15, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.8426390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

saw a pack of feral groids congregated on the streetcorner seeling illegal narcotics as per usual wearing n95 masks and guess where he hide the crack rock at? In his mouth under the mask passing a swab of nigger spit along with the crack. this criminal behavior is also unacceptable but the united asses of asses say let nothing come between the chosen negro and their narcotics let them not be drug free but we give them drugs to sell for free errrbody gotsa condition or redisabilitated so they get free drugs to push the rapist get his viagra so he can rape more nongroid women and children. This is the sorry state of our unholy union. Now bald groid bitch in congress want to commute niggers sentences for coronavirus i see the game they play they always cheat so in reality the game does not matter because they allow it to be rigged the virus is just another excuse to take more qaway from the taxpayers. Stand for the rule of law we must restore the rule of law anarchy has gone too far the criminals have attained too much influence we must knock it down a few notches complete annihilation is not an option at the moment we best just beat it back into its place in the shadows you know where your fearless leader Q hides.

Anti-Q ID: 973ec3 March 15, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.8426451   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You must choose between criminal and law abiding. Criminals are no longer citizens when the victim is society now we will change things and declare anarchists aka criminals with crimes against society. we must redefine criminal because criminals have changed but the definition and punishment have lessened and changed and the major driving force is negroid criminals who they are trying to normalize their crimes by glorifying pimps and prostitution. Death to all pimps and those who call themselves pimps. I am glad pimp-c is fucking dead.

Anonymous ID: 973ec3 March 15, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.8426934   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Quads of shit what a waste someone covering up for a dirty nigger big suprise always the same song and dance a criminal nigger claiming law abiding fuckin trash ass worthless groids back to your crack.