There is a reason why this video is specifically being uploaded, rather than just being embedded. This anon (You) wants to guarantee that when this ends up in a history 'book' somewhere, somewhen, somehow, that it is preserved in it's <16mb glory. Why? Do any of you anons know these feelings PRECISELY? For the past 3~4 years, (more like 10+, but let's remain rational & logical - I've had hunches at their peak at or around 2012, so, to say it was full-force since then would be an 'over-statement'), at a rate-scale of logarithmic increase:daily.
How does someone confirm this in their own lives? Tally up a spreadsheet, you don't have to be real fancy; just add rows for each commonly occurring moment of undeserved abuse, and add a tally for every time it suddenly bursts onto the stage, so-to-speak. Over time you will gradually see a pattern emerge, and if you recorded & collected this data including the dates & times, now you can create relevant charts. This is ultimately to be used as evidence in your defense trial, because anyone (man or woman, even those whom claim they're something else; which is wrong to exclaim,
(<3 but I love y'all just the same, nonetheless <3 ) )
who decides and continues to travel down this lonely road, to find redemption and become a hero, being a resolution. You're going to be RELENTLESSLY attacked, with a non-stop onslaught of:
V2K auditory-vocabulary mismatching via subconscious awareness | utilizing available/local frequencies [the TV in the bg, the radio in the X, your phone, that hum in your headphones, etc]
random scars of unknown origin sprouting up upon your body, fungal-overgrowths and flare-ups that will be misdiagnosed as eczema/atopic-dermatitis
angry and/or upset bowels
chronic fatigue (of which is common for EVERYONE, it just is amplified for you, but it's not like anyone is going to accept your truth about body/energy pains/pangs, espcially if you're much younger than the other members of your household/domicile/residence)
general malaise, lethargy, apathy, 'pussy-bitch syndrome/millennial disease' [I love you boomers -hug-]
irritability which leads into…
sleep deprivation ~~[anons don't sleep until the job is done]~~ (anons don't sleep until their/(Your) body shuts down on them/(You), because it refuses to obey you any longer, or it will die.) Then you slowly realize their is an ultimate collective goal orbiting about your point-of-reference___!which is!
>"How far can we push [Anon] before [he/she] snaps, and eventually becoming overtly violent (preferably in public, or loud enough so that the neighbors (in the apartment building) become inadvertent witnesses), causes damage to the/[our] property, or better themselves, (You), so that [we] can call in the 5-0, and haul their disobedient, uncooperative, loud-mouthed, Nazi, terroristic, slacking, junkie, meth-addict, crackhead-
[whatever makes you "behave in response to such betrayal" in the most guilty way, when blurted out by [them] after being told in confidence by (You), because you may or may not ACTUALLY have a substance abuse/self-medicatable issue.]
(DON'T feel bad [Anon/(You)] you just are being normal, trying to feel a little relief in a world that is ultimately raping your soul/(You) out of (You); so [they] (MK'ed family members/loved ones due to weak mental armor/fortifications by [Archons]…yup it just got that blackpill bruh…), can finally enjoy that snack they've been growing all these years | (See the movie Society 198X - wait for the "shunting" at the VERY END, it's worth it ]Anon[ trust me! You'll feel a little better after watching because you and I will both know, a little more, about what WE are.)]
This is already become tl;dr'able.
I love you [Anon], and I'm doing ALL OF THIS PAIN, for us. :-)
"Don't watch the eyes, nevermind the words."
BONUS RE: After this one! Stay tuned!