it is.
Go back to /pol with your weak arguments, you glow hard as fuck. They get their synthetic Adrenochrome from Wuhan. You're fooling no one, even the gas station clerk today was laughing about how obviously fake the coronavirus is. KYS and shove your redtext up your jew ass.
>The Corona Virus was released BY CHINA to fuck up the USA ECONOMY
Uh-huh, thats why Q told us our families were saf 2 years and 2 days before the first case. Glow harder.
>You're saying Q and Trump released the virus you filthy shill.
I'm saying the virus is non-existent and that what is really happening is Adrenochrome withdrawal, and your responses are always recognizable.
>You are a glowfag nigger shill. We know who and what you are.
Well thought out convincing post, keep up the solid JIDF work.
>>stop saying the chink virus is a white hat operation
JIDF trying to tell others what to say like always.
>>has no argument
>Good talk, at least you know you're retarded now.
You've yet to make any kind of argument other than telling people what to think say. Y u mad bruh?
>thx, anon. played a small and humble part in your collage.
Excellent find, o7
I believe one of 2 possibilities, CoronaVirus is the cover for AdrenoChrome withdrawal, supply shut off almost 2 months ago so now the supply is running out, or they spiked the AdrenoChrome with a virus/bacteria that they will be able to find with the "test kits"
>Just kys shillfaggot. Nice try.
>About as well done as the chinks trying to do the same thing.
As always, been fun smacking you around retard, until next time I feel like picking on an idiot, take it easy.
Illuminati rapper has no clue how he got coronavirus. Kek.
Can't have a mass shooting/bombing if there is no mass gatherings.
>and satanists prefer to harvest it from live victims, not order it online from china.
The trafficking lanes have been shut down, remember "Interview with a Vampire"? They can survive from rat blood and birds, if they have too.
Wuhan was where they were able to get it from for this purpose in bulk.
>>replies to an entire post the same way finklefag does
You would be the one to know since you and he are both JIDF. Run along back to /pol/
You posted this on /pol CVG last night, JIDF.
The molecular structure is different and you are aware of this. Go back to /pol/