Anonymous ID: a2732f March 15, 2020, 7:26 p.m. No.8432091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2137 >>2184


Anon, if you're just starting, then, uh, BASICS.

Salt, then spices. Starting with pepper (white rice gets boring after a week).

Rice, beans, …

Gone? oops. Ok then…

Canned fish. Good stuff.

Mix in some Mayo, Mustard, Relish…

Mmm, great on Crackers or Toast.

Todo: add cans of fish, crackers, mayo, mustard, and bread to shopping list.

Todo2: Freeze bread.

Hello fellow humans! We've been here many times before. We'll be fine. Listen to our inner voice. We're wiser than we think.

Let's not worry.

Q Team can't engage atm, but is looking on and proud of [y]our metamorphosis.

Beautiful. Hopeful. Wonderful.

Anonymous ID: a2732f March 15, 2020, 7:48 p.m. No.8432327   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>powdered milk

Absolute essential!!!

Spouseanon off the mammal teets, otherwise would have suggested.

Cans of coconut milk - FTW!

Cans, anything in cans is going to be good for a while. Cuase that's the goal of the supermarkets, to create products for the "center store" that can sit there for a month or more 'in inventory'.

Grocery store "shelf life stability" done in interest of Cabalist Grocers, now…

turns itself on its head, to benefit the sheep.
