Anonymous ID: fadbaa March 15, 2020, 7:12 p.m. No.8431877   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8430230, >>8430251 how to tank the economy 101 - CDC now recommends events with more than 50 peeps, for the next 8 weeks, chould be cancelled


Just some perspective… Q1 GDP will not be negative. It may not be 2.5-3% but it will be positive.


Any recession will not be officially known until after the election. The biggest issue will be those who end up unemployed, yet our most recent monthly jobs number was very strong. Fed give is likely to increase spending and cut taxes. Pelosi’s games will not be tolerated much like the Republican Congress controlled Congress during the budget negotiations with Obama administration.


Finally, back to Q1 GDP, there could be a surprising strong number posted due to all the prepping going on w/r/t necessities, toiletry, over the counter meds, Guns and ammo. Expect online retailers to have blockbuster quarters, shoppers and truckers.


Mortgage rates are at/near all time lows and refi’s are going through the roof. People can save $100s and even $1,000s per month by refinancing.. I’m in process and looking to save nearly $500/month.. those savings will go towards new spending whether it’s additional sports camps for kiddos or a new car, etc…


The globalist theory (nwo) is going to be crushed by the Wuhanvirus because you must have control of borders and national security. Also with 0 interest rates the globalist elitists will no longer get free handouts from the US govt. interest rates have always been a way to transfer money to certain groups.