Tanks Bakes
>Whatโs going on Duestche bank?
>Someone posted earlier
Nothing out of the ordinary considering the financial markets. I checked that Twat post hard. There's nothing to support it.
Wasn't my drop. I investigated it. Prolly 3 breads back.
>Deuchebank collapsing. Market for the start of the arrests. Ton of branches de-registered today. Fell 18.4%.
Sauce this shit asshole or GTFO!
There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on the finance sites I use daily saying any such thing.
Are you seriously going to notable a naked Twat for news about DB? Seriously? It's the most watched Bank by far. This twat idiot is the only one saying this shit.
Also, he's posting Friday's close, and using a one year non logrythmic chart.
This is fear pr0n Bakes
As I like to point out. The engineers built the SR71 using slide rules, and drafting tables.