Anonymous ID: 6976c5 March 16, 2020, 12:10 a.m. No.8434566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4635


Stop the Spread is about Corona, and maybe panic moreso.


Final gamibt of the cabal?


When coronachan is revealed to be the nothingburger she always was, all these blue state commie Governors are going to claim victory, saying that all of our lives were only saved by their bold and decisive actions, which were only necessary in the first place because ORANGE MAN BAD.


Reminder of Pompeo speaking to Governors publicly on China Influence

> [Embed]


>Pompeo told some 44 governors at the National Governors Association winter meeting that they are being individually analyzed by at least one Chinese government-backed think-tank on how malleable they are, and how prone to cooperate with China. And he warned governors to be cautious on everything from business deals topension fundsto theD.C. Metro system.


So which Governors have ordered shutdowns?

>DiBlasio (NY)


>DeWine (OH)–46-million-investment-in-ohio


>Pritzker (IL)


>Inslee (WA)