Anonymous ID: 735339 March 16, 2020, 12:23 a.m. No.8434674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4716

Once, the PARASITE JEWS boasted that they would destroy the USA. Now, thanks to the CORONA VIRUS, the JEWS are DOOMED.


How come all of the JIDF are not here in their usual numbers?


It's because they are FUCKING DOOMED because ALMIGHTY GOD has had enough of these FUCKING MONSTERS and had decided to send the ANGEL OF DEATH (Covid-19) to Israel where they have a staggering 213 cases of infected parasitical JEWS with another 2500 JEW medical workers under quarantine.




What does this mean?


Israel is the size of Rhode Island and has a population of, get this, SIX MILLION JEWS.


Where did you hear that number before???


Well, God the merciful has decided to visit death, destruction, misery, and poverty upon the PARASITE JEWS, and their days are VERY NUMBERED!


They are finished as a race of parasites, and Israel is all but a foregone conclusion.


That is why the JIDF is not here in the numbers that they are usually.


They are are huddled in their synagogues of satan, praying to their satanic god not to call them home back to Hell, but, as you know, Satan cannot defy the real God, and has to call his minions home.


Bye, bye, jews.


You should have changed your ways when you had the chance.




Die, fuckers. You have it coming!

Anonymous ID: 735339 March 16, 2020, 12:27 a.m. No.8434696   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You know what is AWESOME about Codid-19?

It was created by jews and their goyim to punish China for their acceptance of Trump's trade deal, which goes a long way to breaking up the JEWISH NEW WORLD ORDER.

But JEWS are ASIATIC, meaning they have the same genes that make Asians vulnerable to succumbing to the disease (READ DEATH), that the asians have.


Now that there are 213 parasites afflicted with the illness in Israel, and there are 2500 medical workers under quarantine, (read ARE GONNA DIE), combined with the fact that Bibi has made it illegal for packs of jew greater than TEN to gather into groups, tells us that JEWS ARE GOING TO BE WIPED OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH, and GOOD RIDDANCE.

Bye, bye, parasites.

Your days are numbered and I am so happy to be alive to watch the jews wiped from the face of the earth.


R0 = 4.7. That means DEAD JEWS WORLD WIDE.


Die parasites!

Anonymous ID: 735339 March 16, 2020, 12:29 a.m. No.8434719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Most jew educated Goyim don't know that the parasitical state of Israel was created by the Rothschild family as a base of operations to destroy western civilization.

Now that Almighty and Benevolent God has sent Covid 19 to Jewlandia (Israel) and given the fact that jews are more vulnerable to the disease than say, white Europeans, that means that the JEWS are going to suffer God's wrath.

Their economy, mostly based upon USURY and Blackmail such as the HOLOHOAX, is fragile, they are finished now that they cannot perform even the most menial of tasks to keep their BROKEN economy afloat. They are finished economically and VIRALLY.


Die parasites!