Im announcing that I'm self-quarantining until tomorrow morning. I have no symptoms, but my brokerage account does and its been hospitalized.
These economic setbacks are why I feel that muh carona is some type of cabal plot. It doesn't seem real. Trish Regan is right, it's a plot to hurt Trump's chances at re-election.
This dimwit should be in charge of the DNC FOREVER.
When NoKo opens up to the West, they need to buy someone fucking names.
VERY High-Ranking.
No publicity, and then it was all confirmed by SCOTUS during repeated legal challenges. Crooked fucktards, all of /them/.
WA and OR have become as bad as Ca, they finally caught up.
Maybe Charles actually IS Harry's Dad? Hmmm…
Or Donard.
I also perceive that Trump is doing judo.
Pro tip: Order your credit report, contest EVERY negative item as wrong no matter what. Submit. Repeat. Check it.
Because incoming Presidents always take the advice of outgoing Presidents for key security positions. Obama is a fucktard top to bottom.
I live in an area with a lot of Asians. Sold-out times at the supermarket today: tp, eggs, all Asian-style noodles and ramen.
Wray is another real scintillating pick ffs.
I don't eat ramen, it's not real food.
Ive always heard the Thai bar girls are pretty cool to hang out with, you just have to feed them.
I haven't heard of anybody so far. CalAnon.