Anonymous ID: fda091 March 15, 2020, 11:16 p.m. No.8434187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What would you do if your were POTUS and you had information about an enemy plan in the works for 70 years?


Silent Running.. if you directly confront the plan, battlefield situational awareness and element of surprise may be lost — you give away your position. If you let them carry out their plan, but maneuver resources to cause their attack to be turned against themselves.. Boomerang Suicide. These people are sick. Bill Cooper - Pale Horse. Why isn’t Africa affected? 1.8B people in HIV, malaria, etc infected locations with close-in cities and heavy Chinese presence. “98-99% will recover - 1% (old guard) will not survive” - POTUS 3/14/20. We are at War. God Wins.

Anonymous ID: fda091 March 15, 2020, 11:21 p.m. No.8434215   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They can’t trust their supply anymore … network blockaded.. strings cut.. shipments not flowing by sea or air.. how long before These people are SICK!


Military Precision .. boomerang Suicide.

Anonymous ID: fda091 March 15, 2020, 11:33 p.m. No.8434287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4295 >>4307 >>4324 >>4345 >>4459 >>4484


Why does Africa as of Friday only have 95 cases?


1.8billion people? HIV, Malaria, all kinds of infection diseases .. in a closely packed population with poor medical infrastructure?


Dr. Fauci connected to Africa and WuXi Labs work with Foundation? Find the 54-page pdf online.


Why is there a disproportionate number of elites infected?


Why the massive response to something that he daily death rate of 50 compared to 1000+ for tuberculosis? More drowning deaths per day in world that corona deaths!


Use the enemy’s momentum of intended attack against them.. suck them in .. they commit.. too late they realize their plan was compromised and they killed themselves with their own decision to attack.


POTUS commits to action when guarantee of victory is 100%?


Amazing times we are in.. We are United! We are the Cure! Thank-Q Q!!