Anonymous ID: da9be6 March 16, 2020, 1:21 a.m. No.8434965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5008


I thought CDC was the enemy here? I don't understand what all this panic is about. They are worried about it mutating into a worse kind? It only kills old folks and those with compromised immune systems. Even kids are okay.


People are going fucking nuts. They are now testing women in labor for corona virus. If they test positive they take their baby away from them for 14 days. WHAT THE FUCK? I thought CDC was just guidelines not a fucking free for all to see how far we let the federal government and our traitor local reps step on our neck?


That or they are lying about how bad this thing really is. They can't really answer solidly about testing. I saw somewhere that CoronaVirus tests where hitting up to 80% false positives? Puff up big numbers, send out shit testing and watch them burn it all down. Is this a part of Project Zyphr? More practicing rounding people up. Was California not good enough practice for genocide?


I get it optics, need to look like working together right before the hammer drops et cetera. It's not too far fetched to say this could possibly be the mass extinction event Q mentioned that we would learn someday that was planned for everyone.


I understand how bad it was though and the work you have done so far Q+ is unbelievable. A true inspiration to everyone who is willing to see. The depth of your resolve is incalculable and I pray for you all and your safety.