Dan is Mr. Trumps good friend and policy hawk. He is said to lurk these pages. He's often here, supposedly, and will say 'here I am, anon, what the deal ' (that's not a quote).
plus he's rather a fun guy to follow.
Some of the anon are fond of him and find him to be a great person to follow on social media. He's a lot more easy going when he's in a good mood. And when he's rankled and upset about people talking shit, he'll tell you directly, give you a chance to say your piece . . . and move along, accomplishing much on the way with his ears unclogged and listening, but not afraid to troll and catch the big fish who chase the lies that media people chum out into the oceans of ideas , the so-called news.
Dan is a master of Social Media and a worthy person to follow. (with all his everything, he's a real guy and well loved in these channels, and made fun-of by some who get the wrath of many anon! And sometimes Dan dropping a word to them (which we can't prove . . . ))