Anonymous ID: 0c7a3b March 16, 2020, 4:52 a.m. No.8435749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5758



did you read about this guy in a hotel room with meth?

he 'doesn't use it', so he says.

Could he have been set up?


PS: why you make fun of JIDF, they've had all their holiday vacation plans cancelled!

Anonymous ID: 0c7a3b March 16, 2020, 5:10 a.m. No.8435837   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I saw on Drudge that in Italy the serious problem of very old people having this current flu means that hard decisions will be made. The head line said that pepole over 80 might be . . .


"left to die"


I want to say that if someone decides to do that maybe there is some help that America can give to allow from some kind of hospice for these patients.


This sounds stupid, but here it is: Bats hang upside down, do they not?

If someone has pnuemonia the fluid flows down into their lungs.

If a person is hanging upside down (in a comfortible way) would that make it less likely that they would die from the pnuemonia?

My understanding about Italian culture is that they do NOT leave their old 'to die' if the people can be saved.

Anonymous ID: 0c7a3b March 16, 2020, 5:37 a.m. No.8435979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6000 >>6122 >>6151


Dan is Mr. Trumps good friend and policy hawk. He is said to lurk these pages. He's often here, supposedly, and will say 'here I am, anon, what the deal ' (that's not a quote).

plus he's rather a fun guy to follow.

Some of the anon are fond of him and find him to be a great person to follow on social media. He's a lot more easy going when he's in a good mood. And when he's rankled and upset about people talking shit, he'll tell you directly, give you a chance to say your piece . . . and move along, accomplishing much on the way with his ears unclogged and listening, but not afraid to troll and catch the big fish who chase the lies that media people chum out into the oceans of ideas , the so-called news.

Dan is a master of Social Media and a worthy person to follow. (with all his everything, he's a real guy and well loved in these channels, and made fun-of by some who get the wrath of many anon! And sometimes Dan dropping a word to them (which we can't prove . . . ))

Anonymous ID: 0c7a3b March 16, 2020, 5:41 a.m. No.8436013   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you stole memes from John Cleese?

He's one of my personal heroes!

good work anon!


Or are you actually John?


I didn't watch the clip.


My name is not 'Wanda, and I don't live in a fishtank'


I remember hearing stuff about Jamie Lee Curtis from a freind, when we were watching that movie. I was like 'whattt!!!' and I remember her brother dieing in Provincetown . . . said to be an OD at the time.

Did you ever hear anything about that, if you are John?

Anonymous ID: 0c7a3b March 16, 2020, 5:47 a.m. No.8436046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6094


Yes, and I understand that some people put a composite of an anime over someone else's meme and then act all 'see what I made'.

and I'm saying 'Hi' to the anon, who does this name fag thing.

Plus I give two memes: one which is hand made by this anon (at my keyboard) last week to say 'lets all stop warring and start building new Cities, like the great pepole who we are' and another one that I just put a label on, someone else's work. I put the label "Beware the memes of March" over the Kekken meme which a meme-master made and dropped here last March (2019) and people LOOOVVEED it so that's cool. My way of saying 'yes, it's OK to composite over another meme' but not if it's just usurpation of a animee meme-thief! (thief not theif)


but you like to call names instead of just saying 'hey meme anon'

Anonymous ID: 0c7a3b March 16, 2020, 6:03 a.m. No.8436161   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In an informal first draft context in a forum where we all love both Dan and Mr. President (SIR!), Donald J. Trump, my text is appropriate. If my shitpost were to be pilfered for use as a press release, then, of course, do some editing and make it formal and grandiose.

Anonymous ID: 0c7a3b March 16, 2020, 6:09 a.m. No.8436222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6238 >>6263


I once joked about him as if I didn't know who he was saying 'who is this . . . ' and calling him a Name Fa - - .

as soon as I did that I posted again saying that of course I know who he is and he's not a namephag.

but he (or was it?) posted right back to my first one and was like 'here I am, what you got to say'.

All I could do was tell him that I think he's doing a great job!