Anonymous ID: 3c4884 March 16, 2020, 5:13 a.m. No.8435850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5869 >>5884 >>5894 >>5908 >>5932 >>5950


My wife has MS.

The drugs they have her on destroy her immune system,

it's owned by Genentech which is owned by swiss based Hoffmann-La Roche.

The drug causes breast cancer in a "not-insignificant" amount of users.

Hoffmann-La Roche also owns no less than 4 breast cancer treatments…


I don't want her to be on it, but without it her body literally will consumer her brain.


It is the single hardest thing for me to watch. She is incredibly talented, and an amazing mother. Her last relapse saw the woman I love turned into a befuddled, confused, person who can barely talk.


Thankfully it only lasted a few hours, but I pray every day that it doesn't take her away from me. Being a progressive degenerative disease every relapse means that much closer.


We need help.


Digging into Maja Hoffmann, sister Vera Michalski, and their brother André Hoffmann probably will lead to some big big dirt.

Their father was Luc Hoffmann.


This is the owning family of Hoffman-La Roche.

Anonymous ID: 3c4884 March 16, 2020, 5:33 a.m. No.8435950   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Andre is married to Rosalie Coombe-Tennant, and he is connected to the INSEAD business school where he received an MBA.

He recently donated 40 million dollaridoos to INSEAD.

INSEAD has connections through exchange programs with Warton, Kellog, Paul Nitze, Tsinghua, CEIBS, Sorbonne, Artt Center College of Design, Teachers College at Columbia, and HOUYI. Basically the top business schools in the world.

It makes me wonder if this is a step up in the hierarchy of business schools.



His sister Maja Hoffmann is the founder of the LUMA Foundation based in Zurich. The foundation promotes all sorts of lefist BS.

Most importantly this foundation is connected to the Art collecting world. Their program called POOL "combines the collaboration of an international group of private collectors with a mentor-based training programme for art curators."

Name a better way to brainwash/blackmail art appraisers to drive up prices for art pieces in order to facilitate trafficking…

Then there's the LUMA Arles program, launched in 2013. It's an "institution dedicated to providing artists with opportunities to experiment in the production and presentation of new work in close collaboration with other artists/curators/scientists/innovators and audiences."

Whatever the fuck that means.


There are more family members…I'll continue to dig,


the most important connection is Christoph Franz, the CEO of Hoffman-La Roche.

He was a speaker at the DLD Conferance in 2012. Bill Clinton also attended this conference in Munich.

Franz was also formerly the CEO of Lufthansa, the german airline.

A member of the Clinton Global Initiative.


My mind is too angry to keep going.

Anonymous ID: 3c4884 March 16, 2020, 5:41 a.m. No.8436009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6054 >>6068 >>6152


I'll talk with my wife about using CBD.

Can't hurt.

Anything to stave this off.

There is not a lot worst in this world than watching that which you love the most slowly waste away and their potential consumed by this disease.

Thank you anon.